I have a phpBB forum version 3.3.14 that has a large attachment file folder. I am trying to move to another host because I've run out of space on Hostgator. My problem is that Hostagot will only allow me to see or download 10,000 files, no more. We have what we think amounts to 64.417 GB of files as far as I can tell (if that number is even accurate, no I have doubts about that too), and can't access them for download. I need these not only to move to the new host, but also to be able to take backups. Hostgator was asked to put them in a zip file for me and they refused. They say all we can do is pull up that file and download it, however they won't give us access to the full file, just 10k of them. I know someone else has had to run into this before... how can I get my information from them? Seems they are holding my data hostage.
This is an issue you need to take up with Hostinger. I tried to search for similar issues like this on Google and could not find any information or relevant discussions that are similar to what you've described. If you can't access all of the attachments you'll need to speak to them and ask why and try and find a solution. We can't provide host specific support here.
They say they can't give them to me, I have to find another way to download them. They refused further discussion. I am stuck and wondering if there is some other way. I posted it here in non-support general discussion because of that. Here is a discussion with the same problem: viewtopic.php?t=2638441&sid=a20cef42871 ... 2&start=15
I came across this because a soon to be client dutifully backed up all their phpBB files and DB, problem is the files directory in the backup only has 10K files when it should have 30K. The upgrade stalled because of php time limit. They deleted the entire phpBB directory on the server including the files directory and *poof* went a few thousand attachments. Uploaded the "backup" only to find them missing.
They were actually a bit lucky, they had something like 15K attachments. The directory listing was alphabetical so they lost all the thumbs and 5K source files. If it was the other way around they would of been left with 10K thumbs. To add insult to injury they had done the same thing previously during server move so they were already missing files from a decade ago. This FTP limitation is time bomb if you aren't aware of it.
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