Make a Leaderboard of time spent in steam game

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Make a Leaderboard of time spent in steam game

Post by MagicSanta »

Hello :mrgreen: , I am looking to create a forum around Steam,

I am looking to create a forum around Steam and I would like to personalize my forum as much as possible, I would like to create a small Leaderboard of players who have the highest play time in the forum like the site steam playtime
and obviously (there will be a manual check by me or the staff)

Is there a tool or something to do this ranking ?

thank you in advance :geek:
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Name: Anișor Neculai

Re: Make a Leaderboard of time spent in steam game

Post by Anișor »

You can probably use their API to get the playtime of each user.
:arrow: Steam Web API - Valve Developer Community
A combination of that + a cronjob to update the data every hour or something.

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