Back to the top BBcode

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Back to the top BBcode

Post by Thunder86 »

I am looking for a BB-code option to create a “Back-to-the-top” link. Just as an anchor allows you to jump to specific parts of a post, it would be nice to have the same function to go back to the top. I know there is an option to go back to the top at the very bottom of the post, but I would still like to have the possibility to place a “Back-to-the-top” button within the post itself.

Strangely, using the #top code causes a new tab to open, because I have a plug-in installed that opens external links in a new tab. However, the “Back-to-the-top” button at the end of the post opens in the same window. I am not sure what the difference is here. It would be great if someone could help me with this.
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Name: Steven Clark

Re: Back to the top BBcode

Post by Steve »

@ The Chief Medical Officers guideline for men is that: You are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week.
- I drank that today++ :lol: 🍺

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