Please help with HTTP ERROR 500 and attached the error log

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Please help with HTTP ERROR 500 and attached the error log

Post by uw268 »


My forum works fine before, but for some reasons when I tried to access it today. I got this "HTTP ERROR 500" error. I did not make any changes on the forum and the website, and my other forum works fine. The forum folder permission is "755" with the forum version 3.3.11 with PHP 8.1.

Here is the error message: "This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
HTTP ERROR 500." and the URL is .

Please see the error log... below:

Code: Select all

Log file has been deleted...
Please help me to solve this error. Thanks very much!!

Last edited by Mick on Sat Nov 02, 2024 7:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Solved.
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Helter Skelter
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Re: Please help with HTTP ERROR 500

Post by Helter Skelter »

usually if youve made no changes your first step should be to delete the cache. In ftp or your host file editor, find cache/production and delete the production folder and do a hard refresh on your computer/laptop ctrl+F5. If its still unavailable check your control panel logs to see if your server has updated any software recently. Also check your resource usage ie.. cpu/mem. As a last resort you can restart apache.

btw.. Unless you know exactly what your logs say. be very careful posting them on a public forum. You would be surprised what devious miscreants can do with that information. I would delete the log unless a staff member asks for them.

according to your log it appears mysql may have crashed and tied unsuccessfully to restart. If your on a vps or dedicated server you should be able to restart apache or nginx, if your on a shared host you should see a server restart in your control panel
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Re: Please help with HTTP ERROR 500 and attached the error log

Post by uw268 »

It seems my hosting company blocked my database. They wanted me to changed my admin password since I have not changed my password for a while. Now my forum worked after I talked to them.

Thank you for your recommendations. Thanks Helter!!

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