Couin wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2024 3:46 pm
@warmweer: Thanks for the URL, but sorry, you lost me, why 3 forums? "Set group forum can see forum permissions to YES for 1 new user", in Group forum (permissions), I can choose a group, not a user. To choose a user, I have to go in User forum (permissions), but what I should do with the 3 groups ? This exercise complicates the problem even more for me, especially because of my board, I don't see where it would be set as "Never"
The point of the exercise was to have 3 different groups, each with different settings for a specific permission ( a No, a Yes and a Never) your first test user should be member of group1 (with the NO), testuser 2 is member of the group with a YES (group 2), testuser3 ... >>> Group3. You 'll then see the difference between the end result of the permissions.
Next add testuser 1 to group 2: look at the permissions (trace°), then add to group 3 and look again. This will help to understand the permission system. You'll actually see the end permission being changed.
3 forums was just in case you to test specific group forum permissions (that a step further than just Group permissions). it's not because a user has a NO somewhere that the end permission is NO everywhere, nor does a YES imply that the end permission is YES everywhere.
It's an exercise (max 10 minutes) which will help to avoid unwanted permission settings, and also to understand why a specific permission isn't as you expected it, AND will make it clear which setting has to edited.
In most cases you don't have to fool around with user permissions as the number of users is usually too high to manage efficiently, so leave the user permissions as they were originally and use group permissions (and group-forum permissions) to define the common permission settings. If there are a couple of users that need extra permissions, then you can use user permissions (or user-forum permissions), or make a group specific for those users, and then use group-forum permissions.
Play around with the permission for a couple of users (or for a group specifically for those users).