On this day... (in history) announcer

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On this day... (in history) announcer

Post by Aurange »

On This Day... (in history) announcer

I'm after an extension for my forum that will run today's date against a simple table listing every day of the year. It should return the listed event(s), if any, and display it within a category as an announcement above the list of forums and posts. This feature is similar to what you might find on any given day in a year planner book.

Potential users of this extension would be any group who has interest in acknowledging or commemorating historical dates that are relevant to their interest theme.

For example, on 11 November this extension would look up the corresponding entries, resulting in an announcement of "On this day in 1918 the guns fell silent, ending WW1."

I would like the table of 366 days (accounting for leap years) to be accessible only through the ACP, or pulled from a local CSV file. The is is that it's an admin-controlled feature and restricted accordingly.

If possible, I'd like this proposed extension to be able to run multiple instances. For example in a case where there are three categories, each has a corresponding events table to determine which announcement is relevant to the respective theme for a given date.

The prospective extension would base announcements on the timezone preference set by individual accounts.

Any help for this would be very much appreciated!
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Re: On this day... (in history) announcer

Post by danieltj »

You could kind of achieve this manually by using the Board Announcements extension and update the text every day or maybe every week. I don’t know of any extension that does what you’re asking automatically and out of the box but at least there’s a manual, easy way to achieve this.
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Re: On this day... (in history) announcer

Post by Aurange »

True, that's a solution for the days where as admin I'm online. Unfortunately, I'm not always sitting at the computer.

If someone has the ability and time to automate this on a daily basis, other members on my forum would get these announcements regardless of my presence.
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Re: On this day... (in history) announcer

Post by KevC »

This might work

Because then you could cue up a week or a month of posts in one go.

I'd try it on a test installation first.
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