Infraction [extension]

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Infraction [extension]

Post by eunaumtenhoid »

Could someone please update this extension to the current phpbb, 3.3.14? and perhaps advance its development.

she gets this error when installing, Where can I find the extensions SQL so I can edit and correct this part?

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, point_level mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFA' at line 5 [1064]


CREATE TABLE phpbb_infr_user_rules ( id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, group_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, rank tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, point_level mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;
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Name: Anișor Neculai

Re: Infracion

Post by Anișor »

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Re: Infracion

Post by danieltj »

That extension is made for 3.1 and based on the OP, doesn’t work. Please add context in future rather than just pasting a link without any explanation.
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Name: Anișor Neculai

Re: Infracion

Post by Anișor »

danieltj wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 5:56 pm
That extension is made for 3.1 and based on the OP, doesn’t work. Please add context in future rather than just pasting a link without any explanation.
she gets this error when installing, Where can I find the extensions SQL so I can edit and correct this part?
I guess It was straightforward.
Although I doubt they ever looked into the files to make it at least compatible with the latest version. Should've recommended to do the workaround instead.

Try replacing infractions/config/services.yml with:

Code: Select all

    - { resource: parameters.yml }

        class: rfd\infractions\Event\main_listener
            - '@auth'
            - '%core.root_path%'
            - '%core.php_ext%'
            - '@user'
            - { name: event.listener }

        class: rfd\infractions\Service\InfractionManager
            - '@dbal.conn.driver'
            - { infractions: %tables.infractions%, rules: %tables.infraction_rules% }

        class: rfd\infractions\Service\InfractionRulesManager
            - '@dbal.conn.driver'
            - { rules: %tables.infraction_rules% }

        class: rfd\infractions\Service\UserInfractionsManager
            - '@infractions.rules_manager'
            - '@dbal.conn.driver'
            - { inf_users: %tables.infractions_users%, group_applied: %tables.groups_applied% }

        class: rfd\infractions\cron\task\core\prune_infractions
            - '@infractions.user_infractions_manager'
            - '@request'
            - '@config'
            - '@dbal.conn.driver'
            - [set_name, [cron.task.core.prune_infractions]]
            - { name: cron.task }
And infraction/config/parameters.yml with:

Code: Select all

    tables.infractions: '%core.table_prefix%infractions'
    tables.infraction_rules: '%core.table_prefix%infraction_rules'
    tables.infractions_users: '%core.table_prefix%infractions_users'
    tables.groups_applied: '%core.table_prefix%infr_user_rules'
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Re: Infracion

Post by eunaumtenhoid »

tks for help

but the error continues

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, point_level mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFA' at line 5 [1064]


CREATE TABLE phpbb_infr_user_rules ( id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, group_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, rank tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, point_level mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;
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Re: Infraction [extension]

Post by Paul »

To receive extension support please visit our Extensions Database and post in the specific extension's designated support area. The link to the support area for each released extension is also available in the first post of each released extension listed in the [3.3.x] Extension Database Releases forum. For extensions still in development (not recommended for a live board) support is in that extension's topic in the Extensions in Development forum.

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