saavannah wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:18 pm
I'm trying to clean up one of my forums by combining some of the categories. I'm using version 3.3.0.
I've searched online for how to merge categories, but most results are about merging entire forums. I just want to combine a few categories within my forum.
There seems to be some inconsistency in the terminology you're using.
Categories are (top-level) forums that contain forums, which in turn can contain subforums (and those can contain subsubforums)
Merging categories boils down to moving all forums from one category (B) to another (already existing) category (A). So you'll end up with a category A containing all forums of the previous categories A and B , and a category B which is empty
"but most results are about merging entire forums" sounds line merging 2 boards (the word forum is unfortunately also used in the sense of board)
Assuming you want to merge the contents of 2 categories into 1 category ... it's relatively simple by changing the parent of the forums in the second category to the first category to be moved
If you're referring to merging boards (not forums), that's a lot more complicated.