Dear phpBB folks,
I'm running the latest version of phpBB 3.3.14 (as of writing this post) and my board is functioning normally.
I'm logged in as a user with administrator rights and enter: Moderation Control Panel (MCP) > Moderation queue
I've got old posts that I can't mark as approve/disapprove and the user name shows, but is a user that was deleted (spam).
Is there a way to delete these posts? By clicking "mark" next to the post and clicking disapprove, gives the error:
"You must select at least one post to perform this action." (one or multiple were selected)
Searching for that user is nonexistent, it was a SPAM user and likely I accidentally failed to delete their posts when deleting the user.
Is there a way to re-generate the moderation queue in Administration Control Panel (ACP) or some other way?
If I click approve, it says are you sure you want to approve this topic? (Yes), then this topic approved. But, checking the moderation log, the post isn't found and does not appear in search.
So, the only way to remove these moderated posts seems to be to approve them to make them leave the MCP but the user does not exist and post & user does not exist.
If anyone has any advice or tips, let me know!