I'm learning that tools to export Facebook data to JSON, HTML and CSV are emerging. I would like to find a phpBB convertor that will take the export from a specific Facebook post and attach it as a post to an existing phpBB topic, e.g., so I can aggregate and augment posts that pertain to an individual and their 1959 Plymouth.
@stubbo79's CSV to phpBB convertor topic is interesting - but I'd like for the convertor to import jpeg and mp4 attachments as well; and to apply attachment comments separately from the main text of the post. The hierarchical nature of Facebook data with attachments may favor JSON or HTML import.
Do such convertors exist for standard data formats - for specific posts, as opposed to wholesale convertors to phpBB from a board of another flavor?
P.S. - I previously proposed this as an extension here, but I now understand that what I am seeking is a convertor