I turn now to an old board been sitting there for yonks and it has thousands of 'inactive' 'new registered'. I didn't know. got no messages.
I suppose their registration was automatic on returning the 'signup' email, would that be how it is?
None of them have made any posts.
That would be because they are 'inactive' I suppose.
It would be up to me to activate them.
As admin in acp or as moderator?
and how to know which are genuine and which just bots or spammers or whatever?
I think there is no way.
So can I arrange an email to new prospective users that directs them to write an email to 'admin@theboard' (or some address that is not a 'reply') and state why they should be allowed onboard?
I think my troubles will very swiftly shrink to nothing if I can do that.