Prosilver style: first impressions

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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by quick5pnt0 »

Prosilver first impressions? I really like the way the index and forum pages look, but I'm not crazy about the thread view design. If you look at the main forum and topic view pages you'll see that everything has a nice gray outline, however the topic view pages don't follow along with the design. I really think each post needs the gray border just as the forum view pages have.

Also I absolutely hate the avatars on the right. Just about every forum has the avatars on the left and it only makes sense that when people come to a forum with the avatars on the right that they'll feel out of place or confused. Now when I goto this forum I have this really confused feeling just looking at any of the threads. It's not a big deal for me personally, but I have a feeling alot of my forum members won't like it.
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by Thatbitextra »

quick5pnt0 wrote: but I have a feeling alot of my forum members won't like it.

It's literally a case of making two small edits in the CSS ;)
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by arender »

is there any way to make it work on a mobile device?
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by lsproc »

The theme thats on Area51 (and on the phpBB 3 betas for a while) is very nice, and looks much better than this.
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by karlsemple »

lsproc wrote: The theme thats on Area51 (and on the phpBB 3 betas for a while) is very nice, and looks much better than this.

That is also planned to be included in the final release :) so do not worry if you prefer that template it will still be available with the final download
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by Jhong »

I like it -- I think it makes perfect sense to put the poster info on the right.

BUT, I think there is just a bit TOO much going on ... Everything feels quite cluttered and claustrophobic. Too many boxes... particularly viewforum.php. It's all a bit bewildering. I genuinely feel THIRSTY for whitespace.

Some specific comments, from top to bottom for viewforum.php:

Breadcrumb trail: the carats are backwards.... Doesn't make sense
icon bar: love it, love the new icons!
Forum title: redundant with the breadcrumb trail above. Need to simplify; too much going on.
forum rules: too prominent, and Yet Another Box before the content has even started. And a conflicting colour, at that. Why not float right at the same level as title, or, even better: remove title and float to the right of the breadcrumb trail?

Subforums w/grey border: fine, although it just looks cluttered to me. Tiny all-caps headers just add to the clutter... suggest making them bigger. Also, everyting else is pastel pink - blue... where did the darkness come from?

Newtopic* button: doesn't really fit with the style. I see it is supposed to fit with the red element running through the site, but it isn't fleshed out properly... the "New" and "topic" need to be in more contrasting colours... they are two words. Also, what's with the asterisk? Is there supposed to be an asterisk reference somewhere? If not, kill it, for goodness' sake... the style has elements in spades, it doesn't need more.

Search topic: Good idea and I see what you are trying to achieve with it here: getting users to search before posting. However, it's just One More Box, and One More Button to give users a headache -- would be much better off as a drop-down option in the header search IMO.

Whole bunch of clutter to the right: Suggest getting rid of the # of topics here -- it doesn't fit and it's already very busy with each page link in its own box. Why is "Page 1 of X" there? it's redundant. Just put "Pages: " followed by the pretty boxes.

Topic Listing: Fine, although I have the same comments on the grey borders/small heading fonts. The "View Latest posts" icon has a downward pointing arrow: That means "Download" to most people: suggest you fix. Not loving he folder icon animation: Perhaps if the page were less cluttered, it could be pulled off, but as it is, it is Just Another Thing Going On on an already overcrowded page.

Bottom of the page: OH MY GOD, WHAT A RELIEF!! SOME WHITE SPACE!!!!! (nervous breakdown averted). Finally, some much-needed white space/clarity. I WISH the top of the page was mor like this.

In short: simplify, pare down, combine where possible....

The posting page (posting.php) is a great example of how it should be... simple, easier onthe eyes. THAT looks like the vision of the future... simple, semantic, uncluttered.
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by Mrsmalka »

Thatbitextra wrote: It's literally a case of making two small edits in the CSS ;)

Can we get a button that just replies to all the posts about the dislike of the avatars on the right side with this quote?

I think that this is a very sharp looking layout. There is great use of whitespace to direct you where you should be looking. It can be sophisticated and just not too"techie." I get a little tired of all the faux metal finishes - reminds me of the overabundance of black or animated night sky backgrounds with mouse trailers from back in the day (shhh I know I just dated myself.) I can't imagine it would be that painful to change the pink to a yellow for those that are having "man issues" about the color.

I am going to second the "huh" factor on the 6 smilies in a 5 by X layout :)

I wonder how difficult it would be to assign a post background color to an admin or mod group, so that all the posts by an admin would be on a yellow background instead of the alternating pattern. Just a thought to solve the folks that say that they may not notice the post is from an admin because they can't move their eyes to the right without straining them.

Thanks y'all for putting in so much work for us to be able to enjoy! Now, after you enjoy a nice nap, go toss some sugar into the cubies of the folks taking care of squa'tching bugs so we can get these BB3 boards up and running :lol:
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by miles_ »

This style is awesome. Can't wait to use it.

I like the avatars and user info on the right. As someone said it keeps you focused on the post.

Some things I think could use some improvement.
- The color on the quotes boxes, mess up the flow of the overall design.
- The PM, WWW, IM buttons. Would look better if the button had the same style as the quote button. But I think the blue text color is cool.
- Buttons such as Preview, Submit etc. Another gray design on these with a royale gloss effect would look better.
- Active tab on the Post new reply/topic page. The gray horizontal line at the top would look better if replaced with a blue instead.

The overall design is very good. The above list is just my personal opinion. Keep up the good work. :)
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by david63 »

The question as to whether you, me or anyone else "likes" this style is basically irrelevant. There is the old saying "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time" There are countless templates for phpbb2 some are liked some are not. The same will apply for phpbb3. I am pretty sure that before long there will be a plethora of new styles available to suit all tastes - some being minor variations on this one!

I do however have two problems with this particular style:

1. I do not like the forum taking up 75% of the screen - to me it is just a waste as the other 25% is not used for anything and I paid for a monitor that displays the full page!

2. The "New Post" icon is not clear enough. It took me three visits to the forum before I realised that there were two icons. They look too similar.

I do also have a couple of questions for the style team:

1. Has this style been "run past" any visually impaired groups? To me, not visually impaired, it looks as if they could have some problems - especially the new post icons.

2. In view of the fact that phpbb3 is attempting to be compliant with all of the latest standards does this style comply with the current accessibility guidelines?
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by Thatbitextra »

david63 wrote: I do not like the forum taking up 75% of the screen - to me it is just a waste as the other 25% is not used for anything and I paid for a monitor that displays the full page!

That is just because the design of is fixed width. The proSilver you will be able to download is 100% width :)
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by WhiteWolfSix »

First impression: I like it and I look forward to see it in full phpBB3! :wink:

P.S.: Why only 7 smilies display in posting screen? 8O
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by murnauvsbuñuel »

is very fine, but:
  1. the view "search result" dont show the forum names¿?
  2. the view faq, the link #top dont work, i think that should be #wrap¿?
  3. i dont wacht very good the numbers in this tag list
i love this style and version, thanks phpbb team
Last edited by murnauvsbuñuel on Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:08 am, edited 7 times in total.
sorry for my bad english i am spanish.
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by Ron2K »

It's... well, different. It will take some getting used to, but once I'm used to it I'm sure I won't mind it.

Although for one of my boards, I'm not sure whether to choose between proSilver and subSilver when the time comes to upgrade it... :wink:
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by chAos »

Greets everyone, first post in a few years but I think it's well deserved. :D

subBlue has done another fantastic job with the style. It's certainly very different from all the concepts those many years ago.

I have to agree with others about the info on the right. Instinctively I look to the right for the post, and left for the poster so it's something that'll take getting used to.

Otherwise I look forward to release. :)
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Re: Prosilver style: first impressions

Post by Freelancetm »

The new style looks very good to me.
As stated before the new layout keeps you on the actual postings instead of the info.
for now I can only see a few little things that need to be changed, the size of the username and the 'next' and 'previuos' links should stand out more.

As for the rest of the new Thumbs Up

P.S.: I really like the new 'online' flag in the info box !

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