28.03.2007 Updated /MCP translated, some corrections were made.
16.04.2007 Fully translated FAQ and BBCode help.
10.06.2007 Updated to version RC1, but still under development.
15.06.2007 Some corrections.
10.07.2007 Updated to version RC3.
27.07.2007 Some updates in ACP files.
30.07.2007 Updated to version RC4.
03.08.2007 Translated permissions_phpbb in ACP.
28.08.2007 Updated to version RC5.
30.08.2007 Fully translated board.php and ban.php in ACP. Some mistakes were fixed.
31.08.2007 Fully translated search.php in ACP.
04.09.2007 Fixed permissions_phpbb.php. Translated profile.php in ACP.
08.10.2007 Translated attachments.php. Better translation in some files.
12.10.2007 Translated permissions.php. Remained to translate install.php, acp/posting.php, acp/styles.php.
14.10.2007 Updated to version RC7.
16.10.2007 Translated posting.php in ACP. Some corrections in other files.
10.11.2007 Some corrections.
28.11.2007 Translated acp/styles.php.
03.12.2007 LP updated to version RC8.
13.12.2007 Ukrainian language pack released.
Files also can be downloaded from here:
http://www.phpbbguru.net/community/view ... hp?t=14257
Support in Ukrainian:
Big thanks to WWay for prosilver ukrainian imageset