why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

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why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by 543434 »

why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version 3?
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by smithy_dll »

Because it wasn't on the feature list compiled 3 years ago?
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by gobbly2100 »

Hey that would have been a sweet feature.

What you mean 3 years ago? has PHPBB 3 been in development that long now?
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by david63 »

gobbly2100 wrote: What you mean 3 years ago? has PHPBB 3 been in development that long now?
If not longer!
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by twister17e »

Yep, v3 has been in development since at least 2003 (it was known as v2.2 back then).

As for why those two features aren't going to be in v3, phpBB tried to community coding projects, which is similar to Google's Summer of Code. Both were on the list, but all the projects were abandoned.
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by poyntesm »

twister17e wrote: Both were on the list, but all the projects were abandoned.

I do not believe there was ever been a statement saying they were all abandoned.
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by quick5pnt0 »

I remember the coding projects, but I don't remember ever hearing they were abandoned either. I always just assumed they were all completed.
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by Highway of Life »

quick5pnt0 wrote: I remember the coding projects, but I don't remember ever hearing they were abandoned either. I always just assumed they were all completed.
They were not completed, nor does it appear that they will be completed.
Does that mean abandoned? You decide, there has been no official statements regarding that matter. :P
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Re: why there isn't wysiwyg and rss integration in phpbb version

Post by MHobbit »

phpBB 3.0.0 has been feature-locked for a long, long time...
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