I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

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I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by bbrian017 »

I would seriously drop everything I’m doing right now just to get my hands on a copy of this current phpbb release. I just can’t wait no more and I can’t be the only one. Every time I come here I realize how CRAPPY my board really is. This concept of phpbb rocks and I want it please… what are the chances of getting a copy of this right now? LOL cheers
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by ckwalsh »

What are the chances you click the download button up above? :P

While the Beta 5 has been released, it should NOT be used in a live enviroment (just so you know)
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by AdamR »

Brainy wrote: While the Beta 5 has been released, it should NOT be used in a live enviroment (just so you know)

Just to stress this point again, Beta 5 is not supported in any way beyond simple functionality questions. We will not support upgrades to Beta 5. RC1 is coming up soon, so have patience. ;)

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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by Synaptic Anarchy »

AdamR wrote: RC1 is coming up soon, so have patience. ;)

Is that the official word, Adam? I know there was a goof with the about page proclaiming a March RC1 release, and it seems like the Dev team is reasonably confident in the current state of their product given it's here, running live, but has it actually been decided that we're going to be seeing a release candidate in the near future?

And, if so, can you try to pencil it in for sometime this week or this weekend? Next week I'm going to be a little busy. :)
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by Highway of Life »

Synaptic Anarchy wrote: And, if so, can you try to pencil it in for sometime this week or this weekend? Next week I'm going to be a little busy. :)
:lol: I don’t know... I’m partial to next week, I’m pretty busy this week so it would be a bit inconvenient, perhaps if you guys could just keep it in limbo for a few days until after the weekend, that would be great.
Monday or Tuesday look good, either one.

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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by karlsemple »

Synaptic Anarchy wrote:
AdamR wrote: RC1 is coming up soon, so have patience. ;)

Is that the official word, Adam? I know there was a goof with the about page proclaiming a March RC1 release, and it seems like the Dev team is reasonably confident in the current state of their product given it's here, running live, but has it actually been decided that we're going to be seeing a release candidate in the near future?

And, if so, can you try to pencil it in for sometime this week or this weekend? Next week I'm going to be a little busy. :)

There is no official release date and this is the official word ;) It will simply be released if and when it is deemed ready :)
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by Synaptic Anarchy »

karlsemple wrote: There is no official release date and this is the official word ;) It will simply be released if and when it is deemed ready :)

I think it's a little late in the game for all that "it'll be done when it's done" talk.
Highway of Life wrote: :lol: I don’t know... I’m partial to next week, I’m pretty busy this week so it would be a bit inconvenient, perhaps if you guys could just keep it in limbo for a few days until after the weekend, that would be great.
Monday or Tuesday look good, either one.

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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by karlsemple »

I think it's a little late in the game for all that "it'll be done when it's done" talk.

No it is not, it still applies as that is still the answer to your question on the release.
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by Synaptic Anarchy »

karlsemple wrote:
I think it's a little late in the game for all that "it'll be done when it's done" talk.

No it is not, it still applies as that is still the answer to your question on the release.

Even if several slips hadn't made the answer to the question obvious, and even if "it'll be done when it's done" wasn't a nonsensical semantic construct, after three years your "it'll be done when it's done" license gets revoked, and you have to come up with a new answer. :P
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by karlsemple »

Synaptic Anarchy wrote:
karlsemple wrote:
I think it's a little late in the game for all that "it'll be done when it's done" talk.

No it is not, it still applies as that is still the answer to your question on the release.

Even if several slips hadn't made the answer to the question obvious, and even if "it'll be done when it's done" wasn't a nonsensical semantic construct, after three years your "it'll be done when it's done" license gets revoked, and you have to come up with a new answer. :P

As far as I am aware there have been no slips, dates you have considered as slips have not come to fruition and thus they were obviously not slips just misinterpreted dates by the user base desperate for a release. This particular point is not really open to discussion. The official stance is and always will be that the release will happen when it is ready. Now that could be tomorrow, it could be next year, as it stands at the moment there is no one in the team who can say for sure.
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by Highway of Life »

karlsemple wrote: As far as I am aware there have been no slips
Actually, There was one... it was quickly removed, however. ;)

SA already knows the answer. But if he were to really admit it, he really doesn’t care when it will be released, actually, most people could care less when phpBB3 will be released.
You can tell from the posts and the new topics being locked everyday. :P
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by karlsemple »

Highway of Life wrote: Oh, come on Karl, have a bit of fun. :P (j/k)

SA already knows the answer... (notice the subtle use of humor) :P
karlsemple wrote: As far as I am aware there have been no slips
Actually, There was one... it was quickly removed, however. ;)
We/he really doesn’t care when it will be released, actually, most people could care less when phpBB3 will be released.
You can tell from the responses and the new topics being locked everyday. :P

As I stated in my last post, who deemed it a slip? Some one saw something which should not have been there and made an assumption, that does not make their assumption correct.

Now we are not having a discussion concerning the phpBB3 release date as such topics will be locked as to be honest it has been stated so many times already it is getting silly. You can chose not to believe us when we tell you there is no release date but that will not alter the fact there is not one. the honest and correct answer it is it will be ready when it is ready!
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by Synaptic Anarchy »

I think it's funny that a team member is unaware of the decisions made on the subject of releases, especially someone on the Support Team. :P

That was my original reply but Highway went and ruined my fun. :cry: I'm curious, though, when did I say anything about March 1st?

But he's right, I don't care about the release of phpBB3, I'm just here because I love the new style.
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Re: I'll take a copy of phpbb 3.0 as is right now please :)

Post by karlsemple »

I think it's funny that a team member is unaware of the decisions made on the subject of releases, especially someone on the Support Team.

Who said we are not aware :roll:

To be honest you a becoming annoying now, you have been answered and are now turning this into an argument, if you chose not to believe what you are being told then that is fine but as I previously stated we are not going to have such discussion on the release date :)

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