Thanks dicky. I changed the value, but it didn't work. I ended up removing it entirely so not sure if it will cause problems. Although that addresses the issue with -1 forum_id, I still have the avatar and attachment issues in previous post. Is there anything I can try for that?D¡cky wrote:Please read through the previous posts. Another user had the same problem and it was explained how to fix it; change the forum_id to a positive value.xnitelifex wrote:Also getting this error:
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Out of range value adjusted for column 'forum_id' at row 1 [1264]
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_users (user_id, forum_id, auth_role_id) VALUES (1308, -1, 11)
I have not been able to login successfully using existing passwords, but I believe dicky created an old converter that does allow that. Hopefully dicky can port that over.patjensen wrote:Can you please confirm that the vBulletin converter will successfully convert user's existing passwords and enable logins for those accounts? I have a live phpBB where some users have re-registered on a fresh bulletin board database. Can you clarify what will happen if those users are overwritten?
I would like to migrate from vBulletin and not have to have every user use "Forgot password" to reset their IDs. I have roughly 12k posts and 200 users in my vBulletin database.
Thanks for your help and work on this converter, I've been waiting anxiously for it.
When I read the original steps, I thought I had to modify within the file auth_db.php, so I didn't bother as I don't know much about the codes.MikeD096 wrote:I initially had the login issue, but figured it out after re-reading the first post of this thread. Here's what you need to do...
• rename auth_db_vb3.php to auth_db.php
• place file in .\includes\auth\
• the file will replace the original, so if you want to keep the original, rename it as well.
Once I did that, I was able to login to the converted forum using the original passwords.
Code: Select all
mysql -uroot -p --add-drop-database --default-character-set=latin1 your_database > db.sql
then convert the encoding, so you know the encoding you are using now?
Code: Select all
iconv -f old_encoding -t utf8 db.sql > db_utf8.sql
then do some extra work: replace all latin1 with utf8 in db_utf8.sql, and insert the code in the beginning:
Code: Select all
and then create a new database, and restore the db_utf8.sql.
Code: Select all
mysql -uroot -p
> create database db_utf8
mysql -uroot db_utf8 < db_utf8.sql
If you're host allows ssh, you can connect via putty and then run the commands from there.callum wrote:Can some one tell me what i do with this and where I put it?
Im trying on localhost, no ssh, please help to guide me how to.xnitelifex wrote:If you're host allows ssh, you can connect via putty and then run the commands from there.callum wrote:Can some one tell me what i do with this and where I put it?