vB 3.x convertor

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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by patjensen »

Can you please confirm that the vBulletin converter will successfully convert user's existing passwords and enable logins for those accounts? I have a live phpBB where some users have re-registered on a fresh bulletin board database. Can you clarify what will happen if those users are overwritten?

I would like to migrate from vBulletin and not have to have every user use "Forgot password" to reset their IDs. I have roughly 12k posts and 200 users in my vBulletin database.

Thanks for your help and work on this converter, I've been waiting anxiously for it.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by xnitelifex »

D¡cky wrote:
xnitelifex wrote:Also getting this error:

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Out of range value adjusted for column 'forum_id' at row 1 [1264]


INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_users (user_id, forum_id, auth_role_id) VALUES (1308, -1, 11)
Please read through the previous posts. Another user had the same problem and it was explained how to fix it; change the forum_id to a positive value.
Thanks dicky. I changed the value, but it didn't work. I ended up removing it entirely so not sure if it will cause problems. Although that addresses the issue with -1 forum_id, I still have the avatar and attachment issues in previous post. Is there anything I can try for that?
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by xnitelifex »

patjensen wrote:Can you please confirm that the vBulletin converter will successfully convert user's existing passwords and enable logins for those accounts? I have a live phpBB where some users have re-registered on a fresh bulletin board database. Can you clarify what will happen if those users are overwritten?

I would like to migrate from vBulletin and not have to have every user use "Forgot password" to reset their IDs. I have roughly 12k posts and 200 users in my vBulletin database.

Thanks for your help and work on this converter, I've been waiting anxiously for it.
I have not been able to login successfully using existing passwords, but I believe dicky created an old converter that does allow that. Hopefully dicky can port that over.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by MikeD096 »

I was able to successfully convert my database. It looks like the forum permissions will need to be adjusted and maybe a few other little things here and there, but for the most part it was a smooth conversion.

I initially had the login issue, but figured it out after re-reading the first post of this thread. Here's what you need to do...
• rename auth_db_vb3.php to auth_db.php
• place file in .\includes\auth\
• the file will replace the original, so if you want to keep the original, rename it as well.

Once I did that, I was able to login to the converted forum using the original passwords.

I did see an error regarding the avatars. File not found? It went by too fast for me to see what it was. Maybe I'll try again after Christmas.

Thanks to wlx, Dicky and Blain0002!
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by user »


With the infomation from this post (http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... 4#p3301974) and this post (http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... 5#p3574055), I converted my vBB 3.6.8 to phpBB3 Gold successfully. Thanks to wlx, Dicky, Blain0002 and MikeD096! :)

Only 2 little issues left:
1. I lost all my attachments. The link is there but the files are all missing.
2. All subforums of vBB are not converted. So you should be aware of it: bring the subforums up before you convert.

I realy hope phpBB team would bring us an fully functional *Official* vBB converter base on this tool soon. :)
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by xnitelifex »

MikeD096 wrote:I initially had the login issue, but figured it out after re-reading the first post of this thread. Here's what you need to do...
• rename auth_db_vb3.php to auth_db.php
• place file in .\includes\auth\
• the file will replace the original, so if you want to keep the original, rename it as well.

Once I did that, I was able to login to the converted forum using the original passwords.
When I read the original steps, I thought I had to modify within the file auth_db.php, so I didn't bother as I don't know much about the codes.

Thanks to MikeD096, I login using vb password with success!!

Remaining errors reported with script:
attachments and avatars
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by MikeD096 »

Attachments and avatars might be stored in the vB database. In order for the converter to work, you will need to move them out to files. They must also be placed in the ./images/attach and ./images/avatar folders as Dicky had stated. If they are in other folders, you will need to move them in the same menus listed below.

To do this, access your vB Control Panel...
• Under the Attachment Menu, click on Attachment Storage Type and make necessary changes.
• Under the Avatar Menu, click on User Picture Storage Type and make necessary changes.

If your conversion failed the first time with the attachment and avatar errors, (as far as I know) you will need to start the entire conversion process from scratch.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by MikeD096 »

I exported my attachments and avatars out of the database to the correct folders. I see the files in the <vb>/images/avatars and <vb>/images/attach folders. I also verified by going into the vB forum and looking at some avatars in the posts. The avatars are there and the properties of the pics are pointing to the file in the correct folder. However, the converter is still erroring on attachments and avatars.

Here is one of errors for the attachments:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /install/convertors/functions_vb30.php on line 73: copy(./../../vb3/../attach/7/8/2.attach): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I think the converter is looking in the wrong folders. I assume this is also whats causing the avatars to fail.

Here is my directory structure:

Can anyone tell if the converter is trying to access the correct directory? Or determine what else might be causing it to fail?
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by callum »

Can some one tell me what i do with this and where I put it?
Code: Select all
mysql -uroot -p --add-drop-database --default-character-set=latin1 your_database > db.sql
then convert the encoding, so you know the encoding you are using now?

Code: Select all
iconv -f old_encoding -t utf8 db.sql > db_utf8.sql
then do some extra work: replace all latin1 with utf8 in db_utf8.sql, and insert the code in the beginning:

Code: Select all

and then create a new database, and restore the db_utf8.sql.

Code: Select all
mysql -uroot -p
> create database db_utf8
mysql -uroot db_utf8 < db_utf8.sql
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by xnitelifex »

callum wrote:Can some one tell me what i do with this and where I put it?
If you're host allows ssh, you can connect via putty and then run the commands from there.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by catandtom »

xnitelifex wrote:
callum wrote:Can some one tell me what i do with this and where I put it?
If you're host allows ssh, you can connect via putty and then run the commands from there.
Im trying on localhost, no ssh, please help to guide me how to.

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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by D¡cky »


If you are trying on localhost, I assume you have a server installed on your computer, EasyPHP, WAMP, XAMPP or similar?

Open phpMyAdmin
Create a database
Import the vB3 database backup into the newly created database
Create a folder in your www directory
Copy the vB3 files to the new folder on your computer
Copy the phpBB3 files to the same folder. I like to create a folder in the www directory, then inside that folder create a folder named vB3 and a folder phpBB3 to keep the files separate
Install phpBB3 using the same database
Run the convertor.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by gatetravellers »

I was wondering If I could have some help converting my forum. All I seem to do is keep running into errors. It would be greatly appreciated. Please look at my profile for any way to contact me.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by thejdm »

i bought a new server and im going to be uploading a clean fresh version of phpbb3 to the server. im running a vB forum on my old server and i would like to transfer the vB database to the new server and convert it to run on phpBB3.

is there anyone that would want to help me with this. reading this tutorial is like jibberish to me im a newb when it comes to this stuff. maybe some1 could walk me through it on AIM or something? lemmie know or PM me or AIM me [tsunami1asia0]

thanks in advance.
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Re: vB 3.x convertor

Post by amagab »

All my vB smilies disappeared after the conversion. How can I get them back into phpBB? I don't even know where they reside in vB? Thanks!

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