Hi, RATTRATT wrote:Great Mod, but the edit is off for constants.phpShould beCode: Select all
TWO: Edit includes/constants.php (1) Find {CHANGE_THIS_NUMBER} (2) Change {CHANGE_THIS_NUMBER} to the bbcode ID XX from (8), e.g. define('HIDE_BBCODE_ID', 14); (3) Save the file and upload to your webserver
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TWO: Edit includes/constants.php (1) Find // Number of core BBCodes define('NUM_CORE_BBCODES', 12); (2) Change ('NUM_CORE_BBCODES', 12); to the bbcode ID XX from (8), e.g. define('NUM_CORE_BBCODES', 14); (3) Save the file and upload to your webserver
I wrote that because DIY is to be done after constants.php has been edited, and the code to be found should be
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