Strange, the divider line isn't supposed to be selectable. To fix this, open "includes/acp/acp_board.php" and temporarily delete the line:influencee wrote:Can anyone help I've done something stupid, by accident I clicked the divider line below "dont use the recycle bin" in acp board settings. Now the option is no longer there in board settings.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
$recycle_bin_options .= '<option disabled="disabled" class="disabled-option">' . $user->lang['PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN_DIVIDER'] . '</option>';
Code: Select all
$recycle_bin_options .= '<option value="0" disabled="disabled" class="disabled-option">' . $user->lang['PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN_DIVIDER'] . '</option>';
primehalo wrote:This is an option I plan to add in a future version, but for now you should be able to accomplish this by making the following change to viewtopic_body.htmlcotp wrote:Hello and thanks for this great mod![]()
When I delete a post, it display who deleted the post and that a post was deleted, I would like to know if there would be a way so that only admin an moderators would see that information ?
FindReplace withCode: Select all
<div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div>
Code: Select all
<!-- IF not postrow.S_DELETED or (postrow.S_DELETED and S_TOPIC_MOD) --><div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
<div id="p{postrow.POST_ID}" class="post <!-- IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT is odd -->bg1
Code: Select all
<hr class="divider" />
This has been fixed in the next version. I was planning on releasing it yesterday but I just haven't had time to write up the installation instructions yet.cotp wrote:When I delete some posts, the number of total posts don't change nor the last poster.
So let's say I have 5 posts, my moderators deleted 2 of them, then it still says 5 posts and last poster is "donald" but when you open the topic no trace of donald![]()
Hope I explained it clearly and that you will be able to help me on that one too...
The next version has Permanent Delete and Undelete permissions, so you can specify who gets them.Rotsblok wrote:Primo might be a nice feature if you made the permanently deletion of topcis a permission so that you can make it that Global mods do not have the full power of deleting whole topics/posts but that only the admin it can do
Great news, take your time, you deserve itprimehalo wrote:This has been fixed in the next version. I was planning on releasing it yesterday but I just haven't had time to write up the installation instructions yet.
Yep, I realized that too, which is why that also made it into the next release, as well as the deleted post's subject.cotp wrote:One more thing, when you click on view the post on a deleted post, you can't view who the poster was... for a moderator or admin it is a precious info...
Code: Select all
//-- mod: Prime Recycle Bin -------------------------------------------------//
. . .
//-- end: Prime Recycle Bin -------------------------------------------------//
primehalo wrote:This is an option I plan to add in a future version, but for now you should be able to accomplish this by making the following change to viewtopic_body.htmlcotp wrote:Hello and thanks for this great mod![]()
When I delete a post, it display who deleted the post and that a post was deleted, I would like to know if there would be a way so that only admin an moderators would see that information ?
FindReplace withCode: Select all
<div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div>
Code: Select all
<!-- IF not postrow.S_DELETED or (postrow.S_DELETED and S_TOPIC_MOD) --><div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
You would still need to apply that change if you only want moderators and admins to see the message, as that wasn't one of the features that I added. It is still on my to-do listcotp wrote:primehalo wrote:This is an option I plan to add in a future version, but for now you should be able to accomplish this by making the following change to viewtopic_body.htmlcotp wrote:Hello and thanks for this great mod![]()
When I delete a post, it display who deleted the post and that a post was deleted, I would like to know if there would be a way so that only admin an moderators would see that information ?
FindReplace withCode: Select all
<div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div>
Code: Select all
<!-- IF not postrow.S_DELETED or (postrow.S_DELETED and S_TOPIC_MOD) --><div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
Hello primehalo and thanks the follow up
With your new version I don't need to apply the following chages if I want moderator and admin only ?
I'll look over those changes when I get a chance, but first off let me ask, did the deletion confirmation page have the area for you to enter a reason for deletion? Because if it does then it should not permanently delete, and if it doesn't then it will permanently delete. It's supposed to be an easy way to tell if you're going to be deleting something permanently or not.cotp wrote:OK
Here is what I did:
1) Total uninstall of previous version
2) Install 0.2.0
3) SQL database instructions
4) In ACP I set: Topic Deletions: Move Topic to the Trash Bin (didn't understand the difference with Move to trash bin with a Shadow and Move to trash bin without a shadow)![]()
Trash Bin Forum: selected my trash bin forum
5) Went to set permissions for Global Moderators
6) Made my tests:
1) Deleted a topic and... it PERMANENTLY DELETED the post !Can not find it anywhere it the trash bin...
What could have happened ?
Here is a link to the changes I applied, maybe it will also help users if the want to quick install (wait to see if there are not any mistakes)
And I have a question (when I will manage to make this version work) if I move a topic to the trash bin, how can I decide to permanently delete it ?
Thanks for your help and feedback...
It is the setting I chose but indeed it didn't ask me the reason so I guess this is why it permanentely deleted it, maybe by comparing the files I sent you you will be able to tell me what was wrong, I will look in the meanwhile if I found my mistake...primehalo wrote:Move Topic to Trash Bin will move the topic to the Trash Bin, and provide an option on the delete confirmation page for you to leave a shadow link behind
I didn't look through all the files, just the ones for deleting a topic. and those look correct. When you selected Move Topic to Trash Bin, did you verify that the setting was saved? If you try to select that option without selecting a Trash Bin forum first, the option won't change. If you did verify that you have a Trash Bin selected and you have set one of the Move Topic to Trash Bin options, then we'll need to do a little debugging.cotp wrote:It is the setting I chose but indeed it didn't ask me the reason so I guess this is why it permanentely deleted it, maybe by comparing the files I sent you you will be able to tell me what was wrong, I will look in the meanwhile if I found my mistake...primehalo wrote:Move Topic to Trash Bin will move the topic to the Trash Bin, and provide an option on the delete confirmation page for you to leave a shadow link behind
Don't you think a zip file like the one I made would be cool when you install a mod ?
Since I use a compare file program (Beyond Compare), it is very easy to install/uninstall mods this way
Code: Select all
if (!stifle_topics_enabled())
trigger_error("Permanent delete is turned on!");
Yes I did I had chose Move to Trash Bin in my forum named Trash (went there to verify, I changed the settings a few times to check if it was saving ok, yes it does)primehalo wrote:When you selected Move Topic to Trash Bin, did you verify that the setting was saved? If you try to select that option without selecting a Trash Bin forum first, the option won't change. If you did verify that you have a Trash Bin selected and you have set one of the Move Topic to Trash Bin options, then we'll need to do a little debugging.
Did just thatThe function that displays the fake-delete confirmation page is mcp_stifle_topic() and is located in the "includes/prime_trash_bin_2.php" file. Inside that function you should see "return(false);" occur twice. If the function reaches either of these two points during execution, the function exists and you see the default delete confirmation page (the one that deletes permanently).
This is the first occurrence. Add a trigger_error() to see if this is where the function is exiting.
It didn't return the statement and it did permanently delete the topic !!!Go to your board and try to delete a thread. If this message comes up then we found the spot. If the delete confirmation page comes up then it must be the next return statement.
Maybe you could get someone like me or a member to do the work for youIncluding pre-modded files might be an idea worth considering, though it make a bit more work for me.