[MODDB] Prime Trash Bin - Keep deleted topics & posts

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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.0.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by iyeru42 »

IPB_Refugee wrote:
Kleopatras_Sister wrote:2. i want to (only) move an topic from Forum (example) ID 6 to ID 8
i want this as an quick button or Link and only in this zone (may activated in acp for admin, mods, smod)
i click on this topic (in it a link near by deltete or else) and this moves (at best without an Question) directly to definited ID that i give in acp
I understand you but don't you desire a completely different MOD you should better ask for in the request forum? :oops:
I have to concur with Refugee. This modification is not meant to move topic from one ID to another. You should request it as a separate modification. (Even IPB 2.2 doesn't have the feature you want.)
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.0.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by Kleopatras_Sister »

mmh ok, thanks for answer

kind regards
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.0.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

I've just about finished making it work with posts as well as threads, except instead of splitting and moving individually deleted posts to the recycle bin forum, I instead just mark them as deleted, so the show up similar to an ignored post, except with the message "This post was deleted by whoever on whenever" followed by a reason if one was provided when deleting the post. Then two links are provided, one to undelete the post and one to permanently delete the post.

Although I've added the ability to undelete a post and explain why a post was deleted, I haven't implemented that for threads yet. I was working on it when I realized that it would actually be better to do as a separate MOD. Having an explanation for why a topic was moved and having the ability to un-move the topic could be quite useful. So I guess that'll be the next MOD I start on.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.0.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by IPB_Refugee »

Wow, that sounds great! Big thanks, Ken! :D
primehalo wrote:I've just about finished making it work with posts as well as threads, except instead of splitting and moving individually deleted posts to the recycle bin forum, I instead just mark them as deleted, so the show up similar to an ignored post, except with the message "This post was deleted by whoever on whenever" followed by a reason if one was provided when deleting the post. Then two links are provided, one to undelete the post and one to permanently delete the post.
The buttons for undeleting and for permanently deleting a post are only present for admins and moderators, right? And it would be useful when it would not be impossible for standard users to completely delete a posting/thread via URL tricks (e.g. when they type in the address line of their browser example.com/topic=55&delete=true or something like that. In this case the auth system should look if the person is an admin/moderator. If yes -> delete the topic/post. If no -> error message.)

Just two more questions (hope I am not boring you):

- Is there a way for admins/moderators to read a post which has been deleted by an user without undeleting the post?
- How many additional queries are added to the viewtopic pages (e.g. when a thread has 5 deleted posts)?

Thanks for this great MOD and keep up the good work!
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

IPB_Refugee wrote:The buttons for undeleting and for permanently deleting a post are only present for admins and moderators, right? And it would be useful when it would not be impossible for standard users to completely delete a posting/thread via URL tricks (e.g. when they type in the address line of their browser example.com/topic=55&delete=true or something like that. In this case the auth system should look if the person is an admin/moderator. If yes -> delete the topic/post. If no -> error message.)

Just two more questions (hope I am not boring you):

- Is there a way for admins/moderators to read a post which has been deleted by an user without undeleting the post?
- How many additional queries are added to the viewtopic pages (e.g. when a thread has 5 deleted posts)?

Thanks for this great MOD and keep up the good work!
The link for permanently deleting should only be visible to a moderator who has the ability to delete a thread in the Recycle Bin forum.

The link for undeleting the post should only be visible to a moderator who has the ability to delete a post in the current forum. I'm still not sure if I want to do it this way or authorize it the same way I do the permanent delete.

And users should not be able to use URL tricks. I check for proper permissions before any critical operation.

Moderators that have permission to either undelete or permanently delete should see a link that lets them show or hide the content of the message.

There are zero extra queries to determine if a post is deleted. If a post is deleted, and the person who deleted it is not the same the post's author, then there is one additional query per deleted post to look up the username and colour of the user who deleted the post.

I have just uploaded the new revision 0.1.0 on August 6th at 9:50 PM Pacific Standard Time. If you have an older revision, or have a 0.1.0 revision that was downloaded prior to that date and time (an incomplete 0.1.0 accidentally got uploaded before it was done), please uninstall and install this new version.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by IPB_Refugee »

That's great news, Ken! Big thanks! :D

(Especially to mark deleted posts as deleted instead of creating an extra thread for them and moving them to the recycle bin forum is a really clever idea.)
primehalo wrote:The link for undeleting the post should only be visible to a moderator who has the ability to delete a post in the current forum. I'm still not sure if I want to do it this way or authorize it the same way I do the permanent delete.
I personally would prefer the second option: Only moderators who have the right to (permanently) delete threads in the recycle bin forum should also have the right to undelete topics and posts. But that's just my humble opinion.

Thanks again!
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

IPB_Refugee wrote:
primehalo wrote:The link for undeleting the post should only be visible to a moderator who has the ability to delete a post in the current forum. I'm still not sure if I want to do it this way or authorize it the same way I do the permanent delete.
I personally would prefer the second option: Only moderators who have the right to (permanently) delete threads in the recycle bin forum should also have the right to undelete topics and posts. But that's just my humble opinion.

Thanks again!
Yeah, I'm leaning towards that method too. The function that controls these authorizations is called "get_recycle_auth" and can be found in the included "includes/prime_recycle_bin.php" file. It should be fairly obvious what to change in order to get the permissions you're looking for.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by playerfr »

Just one question, as I am going to install this :D Will you provide in next versions the update text ? or we have to each time uninstall and reinstall ?

Thansk for this great mod :D
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

playerfr wrote:Just one question, as I am going to install this :D Will you provide in next versions the update text ? or we have to each time uninstall and reinstall ?

Thansk for this great mod :D
I probably won't include upgrade files until version 1.0.0, but I'll post upgrade instructions here if you request them.

To anyone upgrading from 0.0.1 to 0.1.0, basically just follow the install instructions and ignore the edits to "includes/acp/acp_board.php" and "includes/mcp/mcp_main.php". Nothing changed in those files and everything else is new.
Last edited by primehalo on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by .:: Chico ::. »

Hello prime,
thank you to create this mod.

I don't understand one thing:
the deleted tópics won't show the messenges inside, but only the first messenge, right :?:

and this deleted first messenge will show to users :?: or neither that :?:

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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by IPB_Refugee »

Hi Chico,

deleted topics are moved to a seperate forum, the so called recycle bin forum. Deleted posts stay in their original topic but are hidden to guests and regular users.

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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

To clarify, a deleted post is hidden, but the area where the post would show up still exists. Instead of the post's content, users see a message saying this post was deleted by <user who deleted> on <date and time of deletion>.

Also, if a post is deleted, and that post is the only post in the thread, then the topic is moved to the recycle bin forum rather than hiding that one post.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.0.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by rodejong »

Kleopatras_Sister wrote:mmh so bad to understand.

i asked if your mod does need the id from forum to move in the trash ?

if yes (or not) is there an Option to include an Function, that i can take an second id two ?


1. i want delte an topic, klick on delte, this moves in trash (your mod did it right?)

2. i want to (only) move an topic from Forum (example) ID 6 to ID 8
i want this as an quick button or Link and only in this zone (may activated in acp for admin, mods, smod)
i click on this topic (in it a link near by deltete or else) and this moves (at best without an Question) directly to definited ID that i give in acp

sorry about my bad english

but some years ago i was admin on a vbb Forum, and they had this Mod i search now

i hope you understand me now a bit better :) and thank you for your answer and triying help me :)
I think that you mean underneath the topic, where the delete button is. There is allready the option to move a topic, from forum ID to another forum ID. If you want to move a message the same way, than you have to split that message from its topic, and later merge it to another topic, but that can't be done at once. It is also totaly different than what this Mod is doing. Right?

I'll ask my technicle guy to look at this mod. This is a great modification, i'd say!
Keep up the good wordk. and if you can get those Ideas implementet, that would be even more fantastic :D
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by azzurri »

I am a bit confused, when a moderator tries to delete a topic he gets a question if he wants to move the topic instead??? When a regular user wants to delete a topic he gets message "you dont have access to this area" or something like that.

The installation file wasnt the best actually since there were more options then one when "look for" if you know what I mean. So you could basically add the php code to one of say 5 options.

Also when using swedish characters å, ä, ö they are displayed as weird characters in deleted posts.

Another thing: when undeleting a post as admin I get message "no post alternative specified".
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

rodejong wrote:I think that you mean underneath the topic, where the delete button is. There is allready the option to move a topic, from forum ID to another forum ID. If you want to move a message the same way, than you have to split that message from its topic, and later merge it to another topic, but that can't be done at once. It is also totaly different than what this Mod is doing. Right?

I'll ask my technicle guy to look at this mod. This is a great modification, i'd say!
Keep up the good wordk. and if you can get those Ideas implementet, that would be even more fantastic :D
Yep, that's totally different from what this MOD is doing.

Which ideas are you referring to?
azzurri wrote:I am a bit confused, when a moderator tries to delete a topic he gets a question if he wants to move the topic instead??? When a regular user wants to delete a topic he gets message "you dont have access to this area" or something like that.

The installation file wasnt the best actually since there were more options then one when "look for" if you know what I mean. So you could basically add the php code to one of say 5 options.

Also when using swedish characters å, ä, ö they are displayed as weird characters in deleted posts.

Another thing: when undeleting a post as admin I get message "no post alternative specified".
I just uploaded version 0.1.1 which fixes the error messages users get when they try to delete a topic without having the permissions to view the Recycle Bin forum, and also fixes the issue with those swedish characters in the reason for deletion message.

Installation always starts from the top of the file. The first successful find that you encounter is the one that the installation file is referring to. Then you continue with the next find from that point (do not jump back up to the top of the file!) until you come to the next successful find. If you just go in order, it should work fine, but if it doesn't please let me know which step didn't work.

I could not reproduce the thing you mentioned about getting the "no post alternative specified" message. Try updating to this latest version (update instructions are included in the "contrib" folder) and see if it still happens. If it does, could you provide any more information about it?
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