[MODDB] Prime Trash Bin - Keep deleted topics & posts

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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Okay, go to the next return statement and add some debugging info there:

Code: Select all

trigger_error('is_trash_forum(' . $forum_id . ')=' . is_trash_forum($forum_id) . '<br />$already_stifled=' . ($already_stifled === true ? 'true' : $already_stifled));
            return(false); // Return to allow normal, permanent deletion
And just to note, you don't actually have to delete the topic if you don't want, you just have to get to the delete confirmation page.
Ken F. Innes IV
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

primehalo wrote:Okay, go to the next return statement and add some debugging info there:

Code: Select all

trigger_error('is_trash_forum(' . $forum_id . ')=' . is_trash_forum($forum_id) . '<br />$already_stifled=' . ($already_stifled === true ? 'true' : $already_stifled));
            return(false); // Return to allow normal, permanent deletion
And just to note, you don't actually have to delete the topic if you don't want, you just have to get to the delete confirmation page.

I only see the "are you sure you want to delete this message"... :?
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Okay, then that means it is never even entering that function. This may be a stupid question, but did you purge the board's cache after installation? And you are deleting a topic, not a post? If so, then we need to continue debugging.

The function is called inside the "includes/mcp/mcp_main.php" file. Put a debug statement there:

Code: Select all

//-- mod: Prime Trash Bin (Topics) ------------------------------------------//
// Intercept the topic deletion (for the moderator control panel).
                include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/prime_trash_bin_2.' . $phpEx);
//-- end: Prime Trash Bin (Topics) ------------------------------------------//
trigger_error('We should have entered the mcp_stifle_topic() function by this point.");
Ken F. Innes IV
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

primehalo wrote:Okay, then that means it is never even entering that function. This may be a stupid question, but did you purge the board's cache after installation? And you are deleting a topic, not a post? If so, then we need to continue debugging.

The function is called inside the "includes/mcp/mcp_main.php" file. Put a debug statement there:

Code: Select all

//-- mod: Prime Trash Bin (Topics) ------------------------------------------//
// Intercept the topic deletion (for the moderator control panel).
                include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/prime_trash_bin_2.' . $phpEx);
//-- end: Prime Trash Bin (Topics) ------------------------------------------//
trigger_error('We should have entered the mcp_stifle_topic() function by this point.");

Still deleting topics without any problems :(

Ok now I will look again carefully all the instructions of your mod, sorry if I made amistake somewhere :oops:
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

This doesn't sound like a problem with the instructions or how you edited the files. You should have been able to see that message instead of the delete confirmation page, which means something weird is going on. Are you sure these files that you edited are the ones that are actually being used when you go to the board? Because it is seeming like they're not.

Go to the top of "includes/mcp/mcp_main.php" and add a trigger_error() debug statement. If you try to do a moderator action like deleting, you should see the debug message.

Code: Select all

    function main($id, $mode)
trigger_error('Can you see this message?');
        global $auth, $db, $user, $template, $action;
        global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

        $quickmod = ($mode == 'quickmod') ? true : false;
If you attempt a moderator action and you don't get this message, then the board you are working with in the web browser is not using these files that you are editing. You can also try putting a debug message at the top of "index.php" which should show up just by accessing the board.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.0) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

Ok primehalo I feel so sorry :oops: :oops:

I did made the changes but somehow had forget to apply some of them since I first made them as premodded and had forgot some of the main root files changes !

Plus I had forgotten to add the template files too much ! Guess I should get some sleep from time to time
Anyway I thought I could then malke it work But now I get a
Fatal error: Call to undefined function check_ids() in C:\wamp\www\phpbb3\includes\prime_trash_bin_2.php on line 181
when trying to delete a topic :(

And the posting.php code is right and the file prime_trash_bin_2.php is in place :?

For me to make it up with you in the meanwhile, here is a French translation you can include for your Mod

Code: Select all

* prime_trash_bin_2 [French]
* @package language
* @version $Id: prime_trash_bin_2.php,v 0.0.0 2007/07/30 22:30:00 primehalo Exp $
* @copyright (c) 2007 Ken F. Innes IV
* @translation 2007 French by cotp (Baptiste Caraux) 
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Some characters you may want to copy&paste:
// ’ » “ ” …

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// Ecrire par dessus
	'LOG_TOPIC_DELETED'		=> '<strong>Sujet supprimé totalement</strong><br />» %s',
	'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC'		=> '<strong>Sujet effacé</strong><br />» %s',
	'LOG_DELETE_POST'		=> '<strong>Post effacé</strong><br />» %s',

	// Nouveaux
	'LOG_TOPIC_STIFLED'		=> '<strong>Sujet effacé</strong><br />» %1$s',
	'LOG_TOPIC_TRASHED'		=> '<strong>Sujet effacé vers la Poubelle</strong><br />» %1$s',
	'LOG_TOPIC_UNSTIFLED'	=> '<strong>Sujet restauré</strong><br />» %1$s',

	'LOG_POST_STIFLED'		=> '<strong>Post effacé</strong><br />» %1$s',
	'LOG_POST_TRASHED'		=> '<strong>Post effacé vers la Poubelle</strong><br />» %1$s',
	'LOG_POST_UNSTIFLED'	=> '<strong>Post restauré</strong><br />» %1$s',

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'LOG_TOPIC_STIFLED_2'	=> $lang['LOG_TOPIC_STIFLED'] . '<br />» » <strong>Raison:</strong> %2$s',
	'LOG_TOPIC_TRASHED_2'	=> $lang['LOG_TOPIC_TRASHED'] . '<br />» » <strong>Raison:</strong> %2$s',
	'LOG_TOPIC_UNSTIFLED_2'	=> $lang['LOG_TOPIC_UNSTIFLED'] . '<br />» » <strong>Raison:</strong> %2$s',

	'LOG_POST_STIFLED_2'	=> $lang['LOG_POST_STIFLED'] . '<br />» » <strong>Raison:</strong> %2$s',
	'LOG_POST_TRASHED_2'	=> $lang['LOG_POST_TRASHED'] . '<br />» » <strong>Raison:</strong> %2$s',
	'LOG_POST_UNSTIFLED_2'	=> $lang['LOG_POST_UNSTIFLED'] . '<br />» » <strong>Raison:</strong> %2$s',

// Administration
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE'				=> 'Suppression des sujets',
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Comment les sujets seront-ils effacés?',
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE_DISABLE'		=> 'Supprimer totalement les sujets du forum',
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE_ENABLE'		=> 'Conserver les sujets et les marquer effacés', 
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE_AUTO_TRASH'	=> 'Déplacer le sujet à la Poubelle',
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE_SHADOW_ON'	=> 'Déplacer le sujet à la Poubelle avec un traceur',
	'PRIME_FAKE_DELETE_SHADOW_OFF'	=> 'Déplacer le sujet à la Poubelle sans traceur',

	'PRIME_TRASH_FORUM'				=> 'Forum de la Poubelle',
	'PRIME_TRASH_FORUM_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Si choisi, effacer un sujet le déplacera dans ce forum. Effacer un sujet de la Poubelle le supprimera complètement.',
	'PRIME_TRASH_FORUM_DISABLE'		=> 'Ne pas utiliser de poubelle',
	'PRIME_TRASH_FORUM_DIVIDER'		=> '---------------------------',
	'PRIME_NO_TRASH_FORUM_ERROR'	=> 'Vous devez choisir une Poubelle quand vous séléctionnez l\'option "%s" ',

// Moderation
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

	// Sujets - Suppression totale
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPIC_REASON'			=> 'Merci d\'ecrire pourquoi vous effacez ce sujet',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPIC_FOREVER'		=> 'Supprimer totalement ce sujet du forum',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPICS_FOREVER'		=> 'Supprimer totalement ces sujets du forum',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TO_TRASH_BIN'			=> 'Déplacer le sujet à la Poubelle',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPIC_FOREVER_DENIED'	=> 'Vous n\'avez pas les autorisations requises pour supprimer des sujets de ce forum.',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPIC_MIX_NOTICE'		=> 'NB: Tous les sujets déjà marqués comme effacés ne seront pas affectés.',

	// Sujets - Effacés
	'PRIME_DELETED_TOPIC_SUCCESS'		=> 'Le sujet séléctionné a bien été marqué effacé.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_TOPICS_SUCCESS'		=> 'Les sujets séléctionnés ont bien été marqués effacés.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_TOPIC_FAILURE'		=> 'Le sujet séléctionné N\'A PAS été marqué effacé.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_TOPICS_FAILURE'		=> 'Les sujets séléctionnés N\'ONT pas été marqués effacés.',

	// Sujets - Effacés vers la poubelle
	'PRIME_TRASHED_TOPIC_SUCCESS'		=> 'Le sujet séléctionné a bien été déplacé dans la Poubelle.',
	'PRIME_TRASHED_TOPICS_SUCCESS'		=> 'Les sujets séléctionnés ont bien été déplacés dans la Poubelle.',
	'PRIME_TRASHED_TOPIC_FAILURE'		=> 'The selected topic was NOT moved to the Trash Bin forum.',
	'PRIME_TRASHED_TOPICS_FAILURE'		=> 'The selected topics were NOT moved to the Trash Bin forum.',
	'PRIME_GO_TO_TRASH_BIN'				=> '%sAller au forum Poubelle%s',

	// Sujets - Restauration
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_TOPICS'				=> 'Restaurer',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_TOPIC_REASON'		=> 'Merci d\'ecrire pourquoi vous restaurez ce sujet',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_TOPIC_CONFIRM'		=> 'Etes vous sûr de vouloir restaurer ce sujet?',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_TOPICS_CONFIRM'		=> 'Etes vous sûr de vouloir restaurer ces sujets?',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_TOPICS_UNNEEDED'	=> 'Les sujets séléctionnés ne peuvent pas être restaurés.',

	// Sujets - Restaurés
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_TOPIC_SUCCESS'		=> 'Le sujet séléctionné a bien été restauré.',
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_TOPICS_SUCCESS'	=> 'Les sujets séléctionnés ont bien été restaurés.',
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_TOPIC_FAILURE'		=> 'Le sujet séléctionné N\'A PAS été restauré.',
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_TOPICS_FAILURE'	=> 'Les sujets séléctionnés N\'ONT pas été restaurés.',

	// Posts - Effacement
	'PRIME_DELETE_POST_REASON'			=> 'Merci d\'ecrire pourquoi vous effacez ce post',
	'PRIME_DELETE_POST_FOREVER'			=> 'Supprimer totalement ce post du forum',
	'PRIME_DELETE_POSTS_FOREVER'		=> 'Supprimer totalement ced posts du forum',
	'PRIME_DELETE_POST_FOREVER_DENIED'	=> 'Vous n\'avez pas les autorisations requises pour supprimer des posts de ce forum.',
	'PRIME_DELETE_POST_MIX_NOTICE'		=> 'NB: Tous les posts déjà marqués comme effacés ne seront pas affectés.',

	// Posts - Effacés
	'PRIME_DELETED_POST_SUCCESS'		=> 'Le post séléctionné a bien été marqué effacé.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_POSTS_SUCCESS'		=> 'Les posts séléctionnés ont bien été marqués effacés.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_POST_FAILURE'		=> 'Le post séléctionné N\'A PAS été marqué effacé.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_POSTS_FAILURE'		=> 'Les posts séléctionnés N\'ONT pas été marqués effacés.',

	// Posts - Restauration
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POST'				=> 'Restaurer ce post',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POSTS'				=> 'Restaurer ces post',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POST_REASON'		=> 'Merci d\'ecrire pourquoi vous restaurez ce post',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POST_CONFIRM'		=> 'Etes vous sûr de vouloir restaurer ce post?',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POSTS_CONFIRM'		=> 'Etes vous sûr de vouloir restaurer ces posts?',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POSTS_UNNEEDED'		=> 'Les posts séléctionnés ne peuvent pas être restaurés.',

	// Posts - Restaurés
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_POST_SUCCESS'		=> 'Le post séléctionné a bien été restauré.',
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_POSTS_SUCCESS'		=> 'Les posts séléctionnés ont bien été restaurés.',
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_POST_FAILURE'		=> 'Le post séléctionné N\'A PAS été restauré.',
	'PRIME_UNDELETED_POSTS_FAILURE'		=> 'Les posts séléctionnés N\'ONT pas été restaurés.',


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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Okay, I got that fixed. To update, just grab the new "includes/prime_trash_bin_2.php" file. Nice and easy.

Thanks for the French translation. Could you do the other two language files as well? I split the text into two separate files, one for basic text and one for all the moderation/admin/log text (then there's also the permissions one which needed to be a separate file due to how the board grabs permission files). I did this so that all of the text wouldn't have to be loaded into memory every time a user viewed a page with a deleted topic or post. It's the same reason I split up my includes into two separate files.
Ken F. Innes IV
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

primehalo wrote:Okay, I got that fixed. To update, just grab the new "includes/prime_trash_bin_2.php" file. Nice and easy.
To me the prime_trash_bin_2.php included in 2.0.1 is exactly the same file as in 2.0.0 :? (as are the other files)

primehalo wrote:Thanks for the French translation. Could you do the other two language files as well? I split the text into two separate files, one for basic text and one for all the moderation/admin/log text (then there's also the permissions one which needed to be a separate file due to how the board grabs permission files). I did this so that all of the text wouldn't have to be loaded into memory every time a user viewed a page with a deleted topic or post. It's the same reason I split up my includes into two separate files.
Here you go : :)

Code: Select all

* prime_trash_bin [French]
* @package language
* @version $Id: prime_trash_bin.php,v 0.0.0 2007/07/30 22:30:00 primehalo Exp $
* @copyright (c) 2007 Ken F. Innes IV
* @translation 2007 French by cotp (Baptiste Caraux) 
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Some characters you may want to copy&paste:
// ’ » “ ” …

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// General
	'PRIME_DELETED'					=> 'Effacé',
	'PRIME_DELETED_FROM'			=> 'de',
	'PRIME_DELETED_BY'				=> 'par',
	'PRIME_DELETED_ON'				=> 'le',

	// Sujet effcacé
	'PRIME_TOPIC_DELETED_MSG'		=> 'Ce sujet a été effacé',
	'PRIME_TOPIC_UNDELETE'			=> 'Restaurer ce sujet',
	'PRIME_TOPIC_DELETE_FOREVER'	=> 'Supprimer totalement ce sujet',

	// Post effacé
	'PRIME_POST_DELETED_REASON'		=> 'Raison pour effacer',
	'PRIME_POST_DELETED_MSG'		=> 'Ce post a été effacé',
	'PRIME_POST_UNDELETE'			=> 'Restaurer ce post',
	'PRIME_POST_DELETE_FOREVER'		=> 'Supprimer totalement ce post',
	'PRIME_VIEW_DELETED_POST'		=> 'Voir ce post',
	'PRIME_HIDE_DELETED_POST'		=> 'Cacher ce post',

	'PRIME_QM_TOPIC_UNDELETE'		=> 'Restaurer le sujet',
	'PRIME_QM_TOPIC_DELETE_FOREVER'	=> 'Supprimer totalement le sujet',



Code: Select all

* permissions_prime_trash_bin [French]
* @package language
* @version $Id: permissions_prime_trash_bin.php,v 0.0.0 2007/07/30 22:30:00 primehalo Exp $
* @copyright (c) 2007 Ken F. Innes IV
* @translation 2007 French by cotp (Baptiste Caraux) 
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Some characters you may want to copy&paste:
// ’ » “ ” …

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'acl_m_delete_forever'			=> array('lang' => 'Peut supprimer totalement les posts', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),
	'acl_m_undelete'				=> array('lang' => 'Peut restaurer les posts', 'cat' => 'post_actions'),

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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

cotp wrote:
primehalo wrote:Okay, I got that fixed. To update, just grab the new "includes/prime_trash_bin_2.php" file. Nice and easy.
To me the prime_trash_bin_2.php included in 2.0.1 is exactly the same file as in 2.0.0 :? (as are the other files)
You're right, the change file didn't make it into the ZIP. I just did it again and verified it this time.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

Isn't there yet a mistake in the french files your provided ?

You seem to have put the code of permissions_prime_trash_bin [French] inside prime_trash_bin.php :?

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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Yep, you're right. Looks like the translations for both files got copied into one file. I corrected it and uploaded release 0.2.1b.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

primehalo wrote:Yep, you're right. Looks like the translations for both files got copied into one file. I corrected it and uploaded release 0.2.1b.
Great :)

Here is some feedback.

Now I can delete a post. So I tried :)
When I deleted a post it asked me for a reason, I entered one
Now when I go to Trash Bin, I can see my post with a title (this post has been deleted), but no trace of the reason why it has been... Where can we found it ? Same question about when you restore a post...

Intead of modifying the title for the next version, maybe changing the icon or the row color could be of interest... or add a little symbol...

In the last version, I liked the way you could easily restore a post, now you have to go through the drop down if I am not mistaken...

In my forum I have a Recycle Bin, but I also have a Forum for moderators where we can temporarily hide topics with problems before we move them back, could be nice to use this mod feature to move and restore posts, although I don't know if it would be easy to add a button like "X" and a second forum... because if we uses the Trash Bin for that it could be confusing...

Anyway congrats on this primehalo, a few more tests, and I will probably replace the old version by this one...

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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

cotp wrote:
primehalo wrote:Yep, you're right. Looks like the translations for both files got copied into one file. I corrected it and uploaded release 0.2.1b.
Great :)

Here is some feedback.

Now I can delete a post. So I tried :)
When I deleted a post it asked me for a reason, I entered one
Now when I go to Trash Bin, I can see my post with a title (this post has been deleted), but no trace of the reason why it has been... Where can we found it ? Same question about when you restore a post...

Intead of modifying the title for the next version, maybe changing the icon or the row color could be of interest... or add a little symbol...

In the last version, I liked the way you could easily restore a post, now you have to go through the drop down if I am not mistaken...

In my forum I have a Recycle Bin, but I also have a Forum for moderators where we can temporarily hide topics with problems before we move them back, could be nice to use this mod feature to move and restore posts, although I don't know if it would be easy to add a button like "X" and a second forum... because if we uses the Trash Bin for that it could be confusing...

Anyway congrats on this primehalo, a few more tests, and I will probably replace the old version by this one...

It sounds like something is still not working right on your board. This is what a deleted post should look like:
http://www.absoluteanime.com/phpbb3/vie ... hp?f=2&t=9
You should see the information about who deleted the post, when, and the reason. You should also see the background color as a grayish color. If you were a moderator, you would also see links to view the contents of the post, to undelete the post, and to permanently delete the post.

Information about an undeleted post isn't displayed, it is stored as a log entry.

Only deleted topics go to the Trash Bin, not deleted posts (though if you delete the only post in the topic, then it will automatically delete the topic as well). Are you talking about deleting topics or deleting posts?
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by Belongtome »

Hello, when I went to board settings on my RC5 forum I received this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in /home/belongto/public_html/forum/includes/prime_trash_bin.php on line 418

Edit: When I went to Users And Groups I got this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/belongto/public_html/forum/includes/acp/acp_users.php on line 889
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Re: [BETA] Prime Trash Bin (0.2.1) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in /home/belongto/public_html/forum/includes/prime_trash_bin.php on line 418
Line 418 is this one:

Code: Select all

    function set_stifled_template_vars(&$template_vars, &$block = true)  
Try changing it to this and see if it still gives an error:

Code: Select all

    function set_stifled_template_vars(&$template_vars, &$block)  
All I can think of is that you might not be allowed to initialize a variable that is pass-by-reference in some versions or configurations of PHP.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/belongto/public_html/forum/includes/acp/acp_users.php on line 889
Line 889 should be this one:

Code: Select all

                    $template->assign_var('S_DELETE_FOREVER', auth_fake_delete('delete'));  
See if yours matches this one, because this one looks like it has the proper number of parenthesis. Maybe one of the two parenthesis got cut off the end?
Ken F. Innes IV
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