MOD Title: Attachment Manager
MOD Description: Displays all forum attachments in an overview with the possibility of filtering, sorting and setting permissions.
MOD Version: 0.1.0
MOD Authors: ameeck, christian0012
MOD Download: via SVN repository
I've seen many requests of a complex page, that would show all attachments on the forum.
Here are features that I came up with:
- Sorting
- Sort by file type/file type group
- Sort by filesize
- Additionaly show only certain filesize/filetype Done!
- Show attachemnts only from a certain forum or category Done!
- Search through attachments
- Delete attachments via overview with permissions to the attachment
- Rating of attachments(which way? five star rating? scale from 1 to 10?)
- I sure will come up with more, but feel free to post your suggestions
SVN repository browser(dev code):!tree/
SVN repository:
20070804: ameeck : some new features