Just letting you know I'm still around...Drakkim wrote:Slow going atm. Restoring a lot of backups after a failed hard drive... but I will post here once I have usable progress!
I'm working (slowly) on a 3.1 version of the mod.SuperGirl28 wrote:Hi there! I am attempting to link accounts on my new Star Wars board. We are currently using phpBB 3.1
I was wondering if this has been updated as of recently to be compatible with that? If so, awesome! If not can someone point me in the direction I could find linking accounts for 3.1
Thank you <3
To move the drop-down, edit \styles\<style_name>\template\overall_header.html, findCourt wrote:I'm trying to change the color of the drop down box and maybe the location.. I've been scanning the Template files but I couldn't find anything..any help would be appreciated!
Code: Select all
"<!-- INCLUDE account_link_form.html -->
Code: Select all
<li class="colorme"><!-- INCLUDE account_link_form.html --></li>