Having a question about translating phpBB3? Want to discuss and collaborate with people currently translating phpBB3? Here would be the correct place to do so.
We'r Working for Uyghur(Uighur) translation for phpBB 3.0.
Biz hazir phpBB 3.0 nusxisidiki yéngi atalghularni terjime qiliwatimiz, yéqinda qérindashlar bilen yüz körüshidu.
COMING SOON...We Are Working On It!
hi all,
A good translated and customized (fonts and web input methods, etc. I feel that is more simple and clean way to deliver it to users) version of latest phpBB 3.0 Uighur translated version can be downloadable here: http://code.google.com/p/uighur-phpbb/
Welcome to use! and Thanks to the phpBB community!