ACP Add User MOD

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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by r4wMUnt34q »

Try that all over again, it is may be a mistake in the Matrix... :mrgreen:
Last edited by r4wMUnt34q on Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by JBosman »

I have no problem installing this at all, thanks for this great mod!
With the love for all things and especialy this, figure it out!
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Xanas »

Sorry to be dense here, but this forum is seriously hurting my head on where I can can't post, and where I can expect to read anything. I can't post in the support section since it doesn't allow mod questions, and this thread isn't about general mod installation so I'm probably not supposed to post just here anyway.

I am trying to install this mod, but I'd like to know more about mod installation in general. But for some odd reason looking around the site, etc. I see information for mod authors, but.. I'm just not seeing it for mod users (maybe my search terms are horribly wrong... I've got to imagine).

Can someone please tell me where exactly this file is supposed to go in order to copy it's info to the correct locations.

When I open the xml file in my web browser (I'm assuming that i need to open it manually, but sometimes I'm supposed to put it somewhere else and the forum has an install script for mods .. all these forums are different...) it tells me it requires permissions, blah blah, etc. Anyway, I tell it to allow it to copy files or what-not. Now it lists in this particular file that it should copy from /root/adm to adm and such, but, the files aren't copied. I don't believe it to be a permissions issue, but then, it doesn't really provide any errors for me to know?

Am I intended just to dump the zip file contents into the main folder (I don't see how it'd copy based on the file listing otherwise?) or do I just dump the folder into the root of phpbb3? It's all very confusing I have to say.

In any case, I'd appreciate any advice on the matter as I'm a bit confused at this point.

Also, as to where I'd like to get on this. I'm hoping I can learn enough from looking at the files in this mod to determine how to create a mod (because I notice there are so very few, and none that actually do what I want at this time). What I'd like is just a basic news mod (a limited form of a cms I guess). I haven't found one that has a lot of install instructions either though (there are many, but tracking down sufficient info is more difficult than I'd like).

I realize of course, that I might have better luck with phpbb2 as well, but then if the desire of phpbb3 is to be easier eventually, I figure why try to upgrade later?

Note: I'm not a total newbie on installations, I've used and installed mods for phpbb2 in the past, used smf and installed mods for it (although it's so easy in that it's hardly worth saying) and invisionbb, etc.

But, I'm missing some very basic info here and I just can't find it.

EDIT: to be more specific, I thought it was supposed to copy the files automatically. I suppose that could be a permissions issue so I did it myself (I assumed the xml warning was because it was attempting to do it through the web browser, but apparently not....) In any case even after copying it manually, though I can find the module listed, I can't browser to where the module says (using phpbb3 rc5, there is no admin cp -> users -> groups -> users, there is admin cp -> users & groups ->users -> groups but this doesn't work and neither does anything else i have tried at this point.... but I think I am getting closer...

EDIT2: ugh, somehow I added add user to my top tabs, not once but twice, and I can't find where to delete it from the configuration :(
EDIT3: ok, that fixed.. know where it was put now..
EDIT4: ok, I have it under users and groups tab, under users, but now I get sql errors due to a duplicate key for the thing..
Duplicate entry 'add_user_version' for key 1 [1062]

EDIT5: well either I have a duplicate (I can't find one), or I can't put it under any of the categories I've tried, and sadly the ones documented in the page aren't correct, there is no users -> groups -> users under admin control panel
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Highway of Life »

Okay, I’m quite confused now in the end what you were able to get working, and what still seems to be the problem.
All your actions are done in Administration Control Panel > System [Tab] > Module Management [ Category ] > Administration Control Panel [ menu ] > Click on Users & Groups > Then Click on Users > Then you should see the Add User MOD there. If not, then its not installed in this location. You could still install it here if you wish by selecting it from the drop down menu containing a list of all the modules.
To delete a module from the list, press the red X to edit the module, press the green wheel. to move the module, press the up or down arrows as needed.
If the Module has a lock icon, then it is not enabled. Click enable.
Then navigate to Users & Groups [Tab] > You should now see the module in this list.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Gremlinn »

Xanas: FYI Install instructions for mods.
Located in Development -> Knowledgebase on this site (see the menu above)
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Xanas »

EDIT: in before me Gremlinn :) I bookmarked that just now, heading to work!

Yeah I had tried that location and some of the others thinking I was reading it wrong since it was stated Users -> Groups -> Users on the script (I figured this meant "Users & Groups -> Users" as it was the closest match).

I've tried a few other locations for the module as well. And while at first I didn't know how to remove/add modules I've figured out the X and wheel pretty good.

I think I may have the module installed in 2 locations if you are saying that it should work at this point, at least.. that would make sense for the duplicate key error, right?

But I didn't see the module anywhere else.. hmph.

Ok, to start...
1. Copy: root/adm/style/acp_add_user.html To: adm/style/acp_add_user.html
2.Copy: root/includes/acp/info/acp_add_user.php To: includes/acp/info/acp_add_user.php
3. Copy: root/includes/acp/acp_add_user.php To: includes/acp/acp_add_user.php
4. Copy: root/language/en/mods/info_acp_add_user_mod.php
To: language/en/mods/info_acp_add_user_mod.php
This I did by just copying everything inside the folder I extracted into the main phpbb installation directory
find ./ | grep acp_add_user
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Xanas »

EDIT: ok to ensure no one wastes time on me I'm putting this at top as I solved problem I think.

Basically, it was trying to ADD (I wish I could have understood this sooner) a new copy of that key. Well I deleted the previous key, and tried again. This time it said "unable to access ../../cache/data_globals.php and this was because the write permissions on the cache folder weren't set to allow writing by apache (I had used ln -s /home/xanas/phpBB3 and just put the forum in my home folder for testing purposes). So this is just a simple write permissions mixup. I was thrown by it saying "unable to access" when it meant the more specific "unable to write" when the file was there with read permissions, but of course I figured it out from the fact it was asking for a cache file (of course it needs to write to cache lol) . I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of the cache is, but it does make sense to me that add_user wouldn't necessarily assume that it needs to make a check for possible duplicate before attempts to set version. I'm sure the lack of cache write would have caught up to me somewhere else even if it did account for that.

Ok back, and I installed phpmyadmin to check all the table info out and see what this duplicate key error is about. It only has one module named add_user so I don't think it's .. that.. that's duplicated. I have no idea what it's talking about honestly....

Here's error text.. (that I get when I go to the users & groups page, and select "add user" which is below the heading "users")
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Duplicate entry 'add_user_version' for key 1 [1062]


INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value, is_dynamic) VALUES ('add_user_version', '1.0.1', 0)


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 158
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/functions.php
LINE: 147
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/info/acp_add_user.php
LINE: 64
CALL: set_config()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_add_user.php
LINE: 47
CALL: acp_add_user_info->install()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 463
CALL: acp_add_user->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 74
CALL: p_master->load_active()
BTW, I am using users & groups -> users and just adding and enabling the module at that location, this after copying the files just as above. The only thing I might have done wrong I can tell is something to do with this xml file or the subsilver thing. The instructions don't say I need to do anything with those though, so I'm completely confused.

As for my general confusion about what I was supposed to do, I'd forgotten that "COPY" and such was a command, but now that I've read that guide I seem to recall the phpbb2 mods were similarly installed. Like I said smf made me think about automatic installation and so I just wasn't thinking in the right context.
Last edited by Xanas on Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Highway of Life »

I hate to say it, but you make installing one of the simplest MODs to install... complicated. :P
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Xanas »

Highway of Life wrote:I hate to say it, but you make installing one of the simplest MODs to install... complicated. :P
:) It wasn't your mod so much as my mentality from SMF (thinking that the xml was actually doing the copying files and such for me, especially since firefox brings up this warning box when I open it), and I had forgotten about the fact in phpbb these files are intended for me to read and do what they are saying. I apologize.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Highway of Life »

No problem. They are meant to be simply instructions.
But in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future, we will have the ability to auto-install MODs for phpBB3. But hey, we’re not even to Gold yet. ;)
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by JBosman »

There is already a mod that makes this possible. Try [BETA] phPKG - MOD installer with repositories & packages

It still needs the repository site to install mods, but it works great! I hope he/she will make it possible to add mods from local site.
With the love for all things and especialy this, figure it out!
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Highway of Life »

I don’t recommend that MOD. -- Definitely not on a live board.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by notsa »

is there any hope of getting a password field for this? :?: :?:
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Highway of Life »

Yes, the next release will have a password field.
In the mean-time, you can just click “Continue to edit this user’s profile” then set the Password there.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Etni3s »

a suggestion for future versions:
when you add a user the "registered from" ip is set to your own ip. would be nice if it would be set to the users ip on first login or something like that.

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