I agree!Gremlinn wrote:If you don't have something in the drop down that says "Add User" (for me it's the very first item in the list). Then you either need to refresh your cache or perhaps uploaded the files into the wrong place or didn't upload one or more of them.
There is absolutely nothing more to this script or install. Put files in the correct place and add the module. That's it.
Methen wrote:ummm It wront install.
That’s intended. The system generates a password for the user.Methen wrote:there is no place to put a password
That’s a support issue with your board and is not affected by this MOD.Methen wrote:[..]and the email still does not work
Is it possible that earthlink has detected this email as spam?? If so can you check this??Methen wrote:Ok this is what I did I was looking around in the admin permisions advance under the tab users and groups there was one called Can create new user accounts which was not checked I checked that log off and back on and tried again by sending to my earthlink email once again still no results
Then I tried to send to my hotmail account and it worked!
Now why my earthlink email will not recieve it and my hotmail will
I do not know But I think it may have be partly that permission being turned off.
so it may come down to a simple question of which emails will this thing work on.