ACP Add User MOD

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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by cally6008 »

Brilliant, thanks
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by rosdi »

Good mod. It is working with 3.0.3.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by tulipman »

Sigh, have done allong time without asking for help. Lol, it was before 2.0 released that I did that.
So, here it goes.

Installed, changed the files for adding passwords etc, uploaded en activated, setting permission ok but no fields for the passwords.
Did it all over again, checking it twice (feeling a Christmas tune coming up) but no succes.
Have the latest version of PhPbb, is installed in the right place (acp/usergroups/users and activated) and it does show up under the users and groups tab in the acp. But not the password fields. So when I want to add a user, I get a red warning that my passwords are too short (duh, there is nothing).

Anybody an idea what went wrong here?
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Akira1984 »

try purging the cache, that helped for me!
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by JeffF »

after 32 pages.... my eyes are blurry.

I installed the mod.

I put in the "display of the password" which was shown on the front page of the post.

I also did all of the "extra" stuff where you can choose a password and not use a random generator. I believe I followed all the steps, but something doesn't work.

1> whenever I try and add a user I get the following WARNINGS:
  • The password you entered is too short.
    The password confirmation you entered is too short.
2> User never gets added

3> Default Password I set on the BOARD SETTINGS page doesn't pull into the PASSWORD and CONFIRM PASSWORD fields when trying to add a user.

I do get the password and confirmation password fields to show up but it doesn't bring in the value of the default passsword which was set on the board settings main page.

I'm trying to use passwords ranging from 8 characters to 15 characters.

My settings for passwords are min = 6 and max = 20

I'm running 3.0.4

anyone else seen this or have an idea?

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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by frost702 »

Is there any way to make this MOD not email the person the password or anything.

Also MOD works great and I have done the edit to make the password changeable but I am not able to see the generated password, did I miss a step? Same as posted above password to short error.

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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by fest3er »

action_bastard wrote:I like this mod. For some reason its stopped working for me. I get a blank page with

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions_user.php on line 1441: mb_ereg_search_init() [function.mb-ereg-search-init]: mbregex compile err: premature end of char-class
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions_user.php on line 1442: mb_ereg_search() [function.mb-ereg-search]: No regex given

at the top after trying to complete the add user.
I don't speak this language, can someone translate for me?
I'm using 3.0.1
I am new to phpBB, having just installed it for my church's web site. I, too, am getting this error:

Code: Select all

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions_user.php on line 1443: mb_ereg_search_init() [function.mb-ereg-search-init]: mbregex compile err: premature end of char-class
 [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/functions_user.php on line 1444: mb_ereg_search() [function.mb-ereg-search]: No regex given
followed by a bunch of binary gobbledygook. I get this error regardless of user registration settings: Disabled, None or Admin.

This is on a fresh install of 3.0.3, with this as the only change to the code. Installing this mod was pert near trivial (except for the "Users > Groups" error in the xml). At least I think I followed the instructions correctly.

Can anyone give me a clue as to where I should look for problems? What other info might y'all need?
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Highway of Life »

Is that an error with this MOD? -- reason I ask is that if it might not be, your best bet would be to open a new topic in the Support Forum, that way you'll get a much faster reply/response, whereas we would be trying to find out where the problem is within this MOD and could be chasing our tails for a while. -- I’ve never seen that particular error before, which makes me think it’s either from another MOD, or it’s from some server misconfiguration.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by bsmither »

In the code segment:

Code: Select all

<dd><input type="password" name="password_confirm" id="password_confirm" maxlength="255" value="{DEFAULT_PASS}" class="inputbox" title="{L_CONFIRM_PASSWORD}" /></dd>
there is this trailing <dl> tag. How does this not cause browser rendering problems with the <dl> tag that immediately follows it - the email address section?
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by bsmither »

In the 'legend3' section, could you give me a hint as to what the values "text:30:255" are referring to?

I'm trying to examine the code to find out why the "default_password" is not pre-populating the password and verify password fields, as well as why I'm getting the "Passwords too short" error messages.

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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by fest3er »

Highway of Life wrote:Is that an error with this MOD? -- reason I ask is that if it might not be, your best bet would be to open a new topic in the Support Forum, that way you'll get a much faster reply/response, whereas we would be trying to find out where the problem is within this MOD and could be chasing our tails for a while. -- I’ve never seen that particular error before, which makes me think it’s either from another MOD, or it’s from some server misconfiguration.
As far as I can tell, it's a problem with this MOD because it appears when I use the Add User MOD. It's the only MOD I've installed as yet. Except for some configuration and setup, this is vanilla 3.0.3. Hence I'm inquiring here first.

And, my apologies; like a dimwit, I forgot some details. I bring up the Add User screen. I fill in the user name, email and password fields and click Add User. I immediately get this error display. The failure occurs where the code seems to be looking for duplicate or similar user names.

Perhaps I should look at the 3.0.4 changes and possibly update.


[EDIT] OK, it happens when I enable registration and try from there, so it's not a problem with this MOD. Sorry to have troubled y'all.

[Edit 2] I had usernames set to require "Any letter, number and spacer". When I changed this to "Alphanumeric and spacers", the problem went away. So it's not a problem with the MOD, as was already suspected.

This could well be a problem with the underlying PHP package, which would explain the rarity of the error. My VPS uses Fedora 3 (or 4), PHP v5.0.4.
Last edited by fest3er on Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by Ricky_Racer »

Judging from this little code snippet,

Code: Select all

Open: /includes/acp/acp_add_user.php

$data = array(


$default_pass = $config['default_password'];
I think it is looking for the value of ['default_password'] to be in the phpbb_config table, (if phpbb_ is your database's prefix_ ), so with that in mind,
maybe a default_password value should be added to the database

Code: Select all

#------[ SQL ]------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: If phpbb_ is not your database's prefix_ adjust accordingly.
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_password', 'Default Password, Please Change');
After a little more checking, this should work, and you won't have to mess with the database.

Code: Select all

Open: /includes/acp/acp_add_user.php
$default_pass = $config['default_password'];
$default_pass = $user->lang['DEFAULT_PASS'];
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by bsmither »

In the code that amends acp_board.php, it is adding a field to give the admin the opportunity to give the board a default password. It's in ACP > "General" tab > "Board Configuration" group > "Board settings" > "Default password" area. The value entered here is remembered - that is, it is displayed when you leave and return to this page. But that default password does not show in the new "Add User" configuration page.
Last edited by bsmither on Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by DragonMaster1 »

odd....I don’t have a default password setting in there but the mod works perfectly for me :geek:
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Re: ACP Add User MOD

Post by bsmither »

rklesla, in this part of your mod to this mod (reformatted for clarity):
rklesla wrote:

Code: Select all

'new_password' => array(
 array('string', false, $config['min_pass_chars'], $config['max_pass_chars']),
'password_confirm' =>
 array('string', false, $config['min_pass_chars'], $config['max_pass_chars']),
the new_password and password_confirm array structure is different. I'm going to try making password_confirm look like new_password in order to determine if the errors (same as JeffF, Dec 16) will go away.

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