Took me a long time to notice your reply..never the less re welcome HolgerHolger wrote:Hi Joshua,
thanks a lot!
Keep up the good work!

Took me a long time to notice your reply..never the less re welcome HolgerHolger wrote:Hi Joshua,
thanks a lot!
Keep up the good work!
simply because the image is missing, in the wrong directory or named incorrectMelvine wrote:Hello,
Great mod, but the ajax function doesn't work
and why i have this ?
So many bugs
Code: Select all
$sql = "SELECT TRIM(term) AS term, img, description, long_desc FROM " . LEXICON_TABLE . $where . " ORDER BY term";
Code: Select all
while( $term_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$template->assign_block_vars("term_row", array(
"TERM" => $term_row['term'],
"DESCRIPTION" => $term_row['description'],
"LONGTEXT" => $term_row['long_desc'],
"IMG" => $term_row['img']