Code: Select all
* Mod Title: Latest posts/topics
* Mod Version: phpBB 2.0
* Author: Pegas ([email protected]) (originally made by ?, previous version by LiLCoolboy (M@urice Cheung))
* Description: Shows latest posts or topics on any page, 2 optional parameters
* Release: v3.0, 27.01.2003
* DeMo: (Czech language)
* Installation Level: Easy
* Installation Time: 5 minutes
* Files To Edit: 0
* Included Files: (if necessary)
* Installation Notes:
* Put this code into new file, set $serverPath and $urlPath,
* upload this file onto server and include into your page and you are done!
* -- OR --
* Put this code into your page, set $serverPath and $urlPath,
* and you are done!
* Parameters:
* There are 2 optional parameters when calling this code as standalone file via include!
* type - whether to show topics or posts
* type=posts - posts [default when missing]
* type=topics - topics
* count - how much posts/topics show
* count=# [default is 3]
* Examples (assume that your file with this code is hilites.php):
* hilites.php?type=topics&count=5
* - shows latest 5 topics
* hilites.php?type=topics
* - shows latest 3 topics
* hilites.php
* - shows latest 3 posts
* Revision:
* v1.0
* author: ?
* v2.0
* author: LiLCoolboy (M@urice Cheung)
* - not working without significant changes, mistypes
* v3.0
* author: Petr Gasparik
* + added parameters when called as standalone file
* + posts/topics selection corrected
* + corrected mistypes
$urlPath = "ABSOLUTE_PATH_OF_YOUR_FORUM"; //example: if your forum URL looks like, this should be "/forum"
$serverPath = "PATH_TO/config.php"; //example: when this file is in URL path /forum/mod, this should be ../config.php
$count = "3"; //default value of how many posts/topics to show
$type = "posts"; //default value of whether to show 'posts' or 'topics'
$titleLimit = 30; //this is max.length of 'title' of topic/post
$moreLimit = 20; //this is max.length of 'more' (used in posts)
//-----------------[ DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE ]-------------------------
$db = @mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd") or die("here we die at connection");
@mysql_select_db("$dbname",$db) or die("here we die");
if($type == "posts")
$prefix = 'p';
$sql = "SELECT x.post_subject as title, p.post_id as id, f.forum_id, t.topic_title as more "
."FROM ${table_prefix}topics t, ${table_prefix}forums f, ${table_prefix}posts p, ${table_prefix}posts_text x "
."WHERE t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = x.post_id "
."ORDER BY p.post_id DESC "
."LIMIT $count";
$prefix = 't';
$sql = "SELECT t.topic_title as title, t.topic_id as id, f.forum_id, '' as more "
."FROM ${table_prefix}topics t, ${table_prefix}forums f "
."WHERE f.forum_id = t.forum_id "
."ORDER BY topic_time DESC "
."LIMIT $count";
//echo $sql;
if($r = mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
while($m = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
$j = stripslashes($m[title]);
$k = substr($j, 0, $titleLimit) . "...";
$m[more] = '('.substr($m[more], 0, $moreLimit) . '...)';
if ($type == 'posts') {
$anchor = '#'.$m[id];
//-------------------[ THIS IS ONLY LINE YOU COULD CHANGE ]--------------------------
echo "<a title=\"$m[title]\" href=\"$urlPath/viewtopic.php?${prefix}=$m[id]&sid=$m[forum_id]${anchor}\">$k</a> $m[more]<br>";
//-------------------[ DO NOT EDIT UP HERE ]--------------------------
that would be sweet!starry-eyed wrote:Here is a script on recent posts/topics that is working great on phpBB2 but its SQL command no longer works on phpBB3. Anyone out there check the SQL command and make it work on phpBB3?
This is wonderful news!Volunteer Forum wrote:I have talked to the author of "Topic Extraction" for phpBB2
So he is now corrently working on one for phpBB3
Code: Select all
<? include_once ("forum/config.php");
$mysql_connection = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd) or die ("Connection failed");
mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ("Selecting database failed");
$query = "SELECT topic_id,topic_title FROM phpbb3_topics order by topic_id desc limit 10
$res = mysql_query($query);
while($data = @mysql_fetch_array($res))
echo " <a href=\"forum/viewtopic.php?t=".$data["topic_id"]."\">".$data['topic_title']."</a><br>";
Code: Select all
<iframe src ="lasttopic.php" width="80%" height="130%" frameborder="0" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Code: Select all
$query = "SELECT topic_id,topic_title FROM phpbb3_topics order by topic_id desc limit 10
Don't know how to do that.Can you say how could one add small part of the posts text bellow that.
This code (in the IFRAME) takes the same format as in your css file (like the other text on your mainpage.)And is it possible to get the same formating (Bold/itallis/...) as in phpBB or is that an overkill...
Code: Select all
//Path to the forum config.php file
include "config.php";
//Forum address, without dash at the end
$forum_address = "";
//Number of the latest topics
$latest = 10;
$link = $link = mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd");
if (!$link)
die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());
$db_selected = mysql_select_db("$dbname", $link);
if (!$db_selected)
die ('Can\'t use foo : ' . mysql_error());
mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");
$get_url = "SELECT config_name, config_value FROM $table_prefix".config." WHERE config_name = 'server_name' LIMIT 0,1";
$url = mysql_query($get_url);
$url = mysql_fetch_array($url);
//to add excluded forum add "AND forum_id<>$id_to_the_forum" after "topic_approved = '1'"
$latest_topics = "SELECT * FROM $table_prefix".topics." WHERE topic_approved = '1' AND forum_id<>17 ORDER BY topic_last_post_time DESC LIMIT 0,$latest";
$topics = mysql_query($latest_topics);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($topics))
$date = date("d.m.Y", $topic_last_post_time);
<a href="http://<?php $forum_address; ?>/viewtopic.php?f=<?= $forum_id ?>&t=<?= $topic_id ?>" title="<?= $topic_title ?>"><?= $topic_title ?></a> / <?= $date ?> / replies (<?= $topic_replies ?>)<br>
[/size]johnnyvang wrote:This is easy to doand no MOD needed.
(your forum is on , if you have another folder rename forum/ into the one you have.)
First create a page called lasttopic.php
Code: Select all
<? include_once ("forum/config.php"); $mysql_connection = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd) or die ("Connection failed"); mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ("Selecting database failed"); $query = "SELECT topic_id,topic_title FROM phpbb3_topics order by topic_id desc limit 10 "; $res = mysql_query($query); while($data = @mysql_fetch_array($res)) { echo " <a href=\"forum/viewtopic.php?t=".$data["topic_id"]."\">".$data['topic_title']."</a><br>"; } ?>
On the index or where you want to last topics show, you enter this little code:
The frame code 80x130 is just high/widht enough to so all subjects.Code: Select all
<iframe src ="lasttopic.php" width="80%" height="130%" frameborder="0" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Upload the file lasttopic.php in public_html if your index is there.
The line:let's you show the last 10 topics.Code: Select all
$query = "SELECT topic_id,topic_title FROM phpbb3_topics order by topic_id desc limit 10
Rename 10 into 5 to show the last 5 topics.