Many MOD's require users to run a file to apply SQL changes, however, there are some that require you to make manual database changes.
In 2.0.x MOD's, you know you are required to apply SQL changes manually when there is no update file supplied, and you find the following action in the MOD install file:
Code: Select all
#-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------
In the SQL section, you may find many different queries. This tutorial explains how to manually apply these using phpMyAdmin.
For the sake of this tutorial, suppose the SQL query you were required to run was as follows (note: there may be more than one, they will all be listed).
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) values('allow_userbar_upload', '1');
More often than not, a link to phpMyAdmin will be provided, under the databases section, in your webhosts cPanel, Ensim or another sort of control panel. If you are unable to find a link to phpMyAdmin from your control panel, you may need to talk to your webhost and ask if it is preinstalled. If it is not, you will need to install it yourself. Download phpMyAdmin, and find documentation on installation, from
What to do once in phpMyAdmin
After opening the program, on the left panel, navigate to your database by clicking the dropdown menu, and clicking the database which your forum resides in.
The right panel will then display a list of tables. Ignoring these, proceed to clicking the "SQL" tab on the top navigation bar.
Paste the query/queries that you need into the large box titled "Run SQL query/queries on database". Ensure the table prefix is correct. In the majority of cases, it will simply be phpbb_, but in this case, it was myforum_. Check the box "Show this query here again" and once satisfied, proceed to click "Go".
You know the queries were executed successfully if no errors appear. You should get a screen similar to this:
If you get any errors, read the error message carefully and rectify the problem. If you are unsure of an error message, and you are not able to find an answer after searching the forum and searching Google, feel free to post it within this topic for further assistance.
The phpBB MOD Team