[Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by Tripp »

Drop the table
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by battye »

That probably would be wise, particularly if you were only adding a column to a vital table such as _users or _posts

Generally, you don't need to worry about undoing SQL queries as they tend not to affect the way the forum runs. Undoing the general PHP changes should be sufficient.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by Tripp »

battye wrote:That probably would be wise, particularly if you were only adding a column to a vital table such as _users or _posts

Generally, you don't need to worry about undoing SQL queries as they tend not to affect the way the forum runs. Undoing the general PHP changes should be sufficient.
:roll: A lot of mods create entire tables which is fine to delete, when adding columns then I wouldn't so much worry about that.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by nabeelmallick »

i installed paul's shoutbox.. http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... 9&t=590977 which asks me to do this..

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE phpbb_shoutbox (
	shout_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
	shout_user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL,
	shout_time int(11) NOT NULL,
	shout_ip varchar(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
	shout_text text collate utf8_bin NOT NULL,
	shout_bbcode_bitfield varchar(255) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
	shout_bbcode_uid varchar(8) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
	shout_bbcode_flags int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '7',
	PRIMARY KEY	(shout_id)
so u mean i should goto php my admin of my forums... and delete phpbb_shoutbox table from the database??

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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by Tripp »

nabeelmallick wrote:i installed paul's shoutbox.. http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... 9&t=590977 which asks me to do this..

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE phpbb_shoutbox (
	shout_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
	shout_user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL,
	shout_time int(11) NOT NULL,
	shout_ip varchar(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
	shout_text text collate utf8_bin NOT NULL,
	shout_bbcode_bitfield varchar(255) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
	shout_bbcode_uid varchar(8) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
	shout_bbcode_flags int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '7',
	PRIMARY KEY	(shout_id)
so u mean i should goto php my admin of my forums... and delete phpbb_shoutbox table from the database??


Yes sssirrr
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by nabeelmallick »

thankyou sir .. appreciate it..
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by axl409 »

what about when it says this

ALTER TABLE `phpbb_drafts` ADD `draft_description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_topics` ADD `topic_description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

it doesnt exactly say in the instructions where to actually do that
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by Tripp »

You do it the same exact way. ALL SQL queries are executed the same way. All that does is alter the table.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by 3Di »

axl409 wrote:what about when it says this
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_drafts` ADD `draft_description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_topics` ADD `topic_description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
it doesnt exactly say in the instructions where to actually do that
Better to insert the same QUERY but as it is here, below.
ALTER TABLE phpbb_drafts ADD draft_description VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE phpbb_topics ADD topic_description VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
`` Backticks (spelling?) aren't DBAL AFAIR but not so important if you are on MySql.


Once you are logged into your SQL admin+database you want to modify - just click on the SQL button and insert that QUERY there, in the input box (if blank) - once done click on the EXECUTE button and see.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by axl409 »

na doesnt work...this is what it says

SQL query:

ALTER TABLE phpbb_drafts ADD draft_description VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''

MySQL said:

#1060 - Duplicate column name 'draft_description'

could it be because ive already done this? in that case, why doesnt this mod work?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by Tripp »

Yes, it's already been entered. As for the mod, ask in the appropriate topic.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by axl409 »

i have but noones answering...ok so how do i undo the sql edit then so its back to what it was before?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by 3Di »

axl409 wrote:i have but noones answering...ok so how do i undo the sql edit then so its back to what it was before?
You could leave it as it is, no harms.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by SilverHawke »

I am SO confused on how to use this. I had to install it myself, and I doubt I even did it correctly. I dont have an SQL tab, I have some kind of tab that says mySQLmanual. Is there anyone that can take the time to walk me through this please?

All I'm wanting to do is add a mod that will allow the members to be automatically promoted to groups through their post counts. I've done everything but this SQL stuff, and I'm so lost and confused on what to do. I've reached the point where I'm about to throw my laptop across the room. PLEASE someone, get on an IM or something, and help me through how to do this. I'm VERY,VERY new with all this phpbb3 things. If I could just have someone show me how, step by step, I would be increadably greatful to them.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by battye »

Does the top of the right frame look like this:


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