_dB_ wrote:As far as I know the "/cookie" shouldn't be in the cookie path ?
Oke i have come a litle bit further, but stil i don't have what i'm looking for.
It is working with the following settings, but only with the direct link
Cookie domein: .kb-boas.com
Cookie naam: cookie_1234
Cookie pad: /phpBB3
Cookie secure [ https ]: Disabled
Now i like to use it with redirected (
http://www.snakeplace.nl.) can somebody help me please ?
I tested with
Cookie domein: .snakeplace.nl
Cookie naam: cookie_1235
Cookie pad: /phpBB3
Cookie secure [ https ]: Disabled
Also tried:
Cookie domein: .snakeplace.nl
Cookie naam: cookie_1235
Cookie pad: /
Cookie secure [ https ]: Disabled
Since i redirect to
http://www.kb-boas.com/phpBB3 i thought i didn't needed the cookie pad filled in, this doesn't work either... I tried to change the domain to snakeplace.nl but this isn't working either with the setting above...