@Ģermans and ccessex: I noticed both of you using a portal. Does this problem occur when logging in from the standard login boxes? Or only occurs when logging in from the portal? Cookies look fine for you two, although ccessex may want to set the board path as /forum.
Not here very much, but I still appreciate you | Former Community Team
Unfortunately the problem still persists. Works like a charm in Safari, but not with Firefox (as well as quite a few other users posting issues). There are no cookies listed either.
any other ideas?
There is another folder in the root labeled: phpBB2 (older version)
would that be causing any issues?
I'm using Firefox and getting a cookie when visiting your site. I see other users with Firefox have said they have no issues with logging in. Can you double check that you are allowing cookies in your browser and do not have them blocked?
Not here very much, but I still appreciate you | Former Community Team
Yes Firefox is set to accept cookies. I have dumped them numerous times over the last few days and there are plenty of new ones from other sites ( including this one)
Problem exists on both machines I have. Both Macs. Does not work on Firefox on both, works on one in Safari. I get emails about this all the time. Problem doesn't seem to be browser specific.
Your help is appreciated. Hope someone can figure it out.
It did work going directly but I couldn't figure out why. I went to the code to see how I linked to the frame and it just links to /phpbb/index...then I figured it out. I have two domains for the site. Windancing.com and lakawa.com. I had set up my web browser's home page for windancing.com....ooops! Works like a charm in frames when I use lakawa.com.