everything is default setting sir.
test on localhost address by my computer name
why phpbb2.x with default setting 'auto login' work? but phpbb3 not?
clean new install phpbb3 not upgrade
clean install sql
clean cookies browser
php 5.25
mysql 4.0.26(i hate mysql unicode that is not work with my language. i means mysql above 4.0.26)
cookies domain: vcom
cookies name: phpbb3_byqva
cookies path: /
Allow persistent logins: yes
Persistent login key expiration length (in days): 0
Session IP validation: a.b.c
Validate browser: yes
Validated X_FORWARDED_FOR header: no
Check IP against DNS Blackhole List: no
Check e-mail domain for valid MX record: yes
Password complexity: no requirements
Force password change: 0
Maximum number of login attempts: 3
Allow php in templates: no
Maximum time to submit forms: 7200
Tie forms to guest sessions: yes
Limit system load: 0
Session length: 3600
Limit sessions: 0
View online time span: 5