[How To] Modify prosilver's header

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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by NellieBelly »


I have followed the guidelines and for most of the part it looks really good. However, although I have removed the code for the logo and the forum description it is still there. I have refreshed the style and everything a dozen times. All the other changes are working just fine. Not this though.

Sorry...I just purged the cache efter googling it. It worked. So sorry.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by DadsWhoDiaper »

I tried to follow the instructions but I think I've really screwed it up.

Instead of my forum coming up all i now get is the line

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/chacar14/dadswhodiaper.com/Forum/cache/tpl_prosilver_overall_header.html.php on line 110

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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by Sinom »

That means that you've made a modification in overall_header.html and that you have a } to many.

Recheck your modification.

- Sinom
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by tbackoff »

DadsWhoDiaper wrote:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/chacar14/dadswhodiaper.com/Forum/cache/tpl_prosilver_overall_header.html.php on line 110
Did you purge the cache? If you can't access the board, open the /cache/ directory and delete everything except the .htaccess file and the index.htm file.

If you are still receiving the error, recheck your edits. If you're still stuck, please post the file you edited and explain which edit you were attempting to make.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by judgedredd »

How many people actually went to the forum link that was posted? It actually comes up fine.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by DadsWhoDiaper »

I threw up a different theme to keep the forums up. I plan to try and fix prosilver and reinstall it once it is fixed. I'm thinking I will probably just delete the whole thing and reinstalled it. Thoughts?
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by Brf »

You have an ENDIF dangling in there without an IF. There is also a </form> without a <form>

Code: Select all

<div id="wrap">
	<a id="top" name="top" accesskey="t"></a>
	<div id="page-header">
		<div class="headerbar">
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                        <div style="height: 90px;">
                        <div id="site-description">
                        <p class="skiplink"><a href="#start_here">{L_SKIP}</a></p>

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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by DadsWhoDiaper »


Is the code you posted what i need it to look like (copy and paste) or is what my screwed up code looks like now?

i've tried deleting Prosilver, deleting cache (both on FTP and ACP) and reinstalling it but I still get the error message. Help me Obi Wan.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by Brf »

That is the current http://www.dadswhodiaper.com/Forum/styl ... eader.html showing the dangling </form> and <!-- ENDIF -->
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by judgedredd »

This is my complete prosilver overall_header.html code. Take it and make sure none of my site stuff (from: http://matrixfiles.com/hgnb/ ) is in there. I just checked and there is only one MOD which is dated that I added. All the other mods that I did (there are very few) are to do with the number of letters in the title and one or two other items which I can't remember. It only takes a few minutes to compare.

Code: Select all

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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by could not know less »

I just used the OP of this thread to install a custom header on my board. I used the text editor that comes with cPanel, and I did everything except remove the search bar. When I went to remove the code for the search bar, I couldn't find it in the document, so I uploaded the original copy of overall_header.html and went through the entire list of changes again.

Now the phpBB logo, site name and tagline, and search bar have reappeared. Also, the header image is offset and the rounded corners are gone everywhere on the site.

This is my site: asianclassical.com.

I have read about 15 pages of this thread, and it seems that there is a problem using these instructions to modify prosilver_SE, which is what I am using. As others have noted, everything worked until I tried to delete the search bar.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by judgedredd »

If you look at my site (http://matrixfiles.com/hgnb/) you will see that the search bar has gone and is only accessible through the search icon. Try the code that I posted and see if things are better.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by judgedredd »

By the way, I just had a look at asianclassical.com and the font color in the header needs to be changed from white to something else as it can't be read properly.

I also remembered that to get rid of the search bar I think one has to change something in one of the CSS files. I can't remember which one though.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by DadsWhoDiaper »

judgedredd -

Thanks so much for all the help. My Prosilver is back in running. Time to try to mod it again.
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Re: [How To] Modify prosilver's header

Post by judgedredd »

Glad I could be of help.

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