That depends on how wide your window is. it looks fine at 1680.judgedredd wrote:Header cuts off at the right.
So we're thinking the new banner should be 1280 x 129px?Brf wrote:You probably will not have too many users with that wide a monitor. Most of the widescreens are still 1440 and the standards are 1280.
style="background-repeat: no-repeat"
You need to write full link i.e http://www.dadswhodiaper.comDadsWhoDiaper wrote:You guys are the best, I owe many of you a beer. The forum already looks 1000x time better. Only thing left on my check list is make the banner a click through back to my main site instead of the Forum home *** (and change "Board index" to "Home"). I'm looking at the start of this thread now and the instructions are confusing. I'll keep reading through the years and I'm sure the answer will be in there somewhere.
**** I found on page 21 the comment about changing U_INDEX to your URL when I do that I just get ...
instead or just
Code: Select all
<a href="">Home</a>