The $topic_info array is empty (there's no place in viewtopic.php where it is declared or initialized or populated), so nothing is passed to the posts_ratings_display_rating_topics() function.$template->assign_vars(posts_ratings_display_rating_topics($topic_info, $posts_ratings_data));
I agree, nice mod.notsa wrote:link for this great mod please![]()
OK, there are other karma MODs out there, so I thought you may have used somebody else's. Yours is fine - keeps it all in the same hands.Alfatrion wrote:1. I don't understand the question. I'm using my own karma mod.
eh... So if I rate Joe Q. Public's post at one star it lowers his karma... right? By how much?Alfatrion wrote:2. Karma is calculated through a weighted algorithme. You can set the interval period and the number of intervals. Ratings within the last interval get a weight of 1 and the first get a interval of N^2 - (N-1)^2 = 2*N - 1 Thus we get a weighted average.
I mean the Post Rating System MOD. Looking at MOD's features, it has plenty and it's all good. You should release it if it doesn't have any bugs.Alfatrion wrote:3. I don't understand what you mean by this. Karma is indirectly calculated, you can invluence it by changing the ratings of posts.
Code: Select all
'S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH' => ($s_type_switch == $s_type_sw
itch_test) ? -1 : $s_type_switch_test)
Code: Select all
// a_user admins
and founder are able to view inactive users and bots to be able to manage them m
ore easily
// Normal users are able to see at least users having only changed their profile
settings but not yet reactivated.
Code: Select all
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Table 'roadt2.phpbb_posts_ratings_modpoints' doesn't exist [1146]
DELETE FROM phpbb_posts_ratings_modpoints WHERE time < 1200632179
FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 158
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: includes/functions_posts_ratings.php
LINE: 2263
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()
FILE: includes/functions_posts_ratings.php
LINE: 2276
CALL: clean_modpoints()
FILE: posting.php
LINE: 1008
CALL: posts_ratings_new_posts()
First there are votes and there a ratings. A rating is the average vote for a post. The karma will stay between 1 and 5. If someone post has only 5 star ratings then his karma will be 5.phpDummie wrote:eh... So if I rate Joe Q. Public's post at one star it lowers his karma... right? By how much?
And if I rate it at five stars, it will raise his karma? By how much?
It must be all that cheese.dlt123 wrote:You know the more I look at your avatar Alfatrion, the more tired it looks... Hang in there.
You need to run it with the client for your database. You could write a php file to do this for you, but it not as simple a just copy-past.dlt123 wrote:In order to do the SQL database population, can I just copy the SQL code from the INSTALL.XML file and pop it in a php file of my choosing, i.e. Post_Rate_Mod_SQL_Install_db.php, then copy it to the root of my web site, (or do I need to copy it to the phpBB3 folder), then run it using my Firefox browser?
Take it one step at a time. If you have trouble with the SQL then don't continue until your insert the SQL.dlt123 wrote:Anything else I need to be aware of before starting this install?
I can't help you with using MSSQL. Perhaps you can get support from on of the other forums on this board for that.dlt123 wrote:I don't know how I am going to do this since I am using MSSQL and can't use phpMyAdmin... any suggestions?
You should copy all files within root/ for this mod to work.dlt123 wrote:Also on a final note, I manually copied over the root/styles/prosilver/imageset star files. Not sure if I should have done this but I did.