[ABD] newpost2mail: Send new posts as email to admin

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Re: [BETA] newpost2mail: Send new posts as email to admin

Post by Tarantino »

I've changed too the .php

Code: Select all


  // newpost2mail beta 21 for phpBB3 by Stefan Hendricks
  // See http://henmedia.de for latest version
  // Do not wonder if this code is formatted strange
  // in your editor as I always use a tabsize of 2 :)

  // only allow access from "posting.php"

  // if (!is_array($_SERVER)) { // phpBB3 >= v3.1.x

  if (version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, "3.1.0", ">=")) { // phpBB3 >= v3.1.0

	 $my_script_name = $request->server("SCRIPT_NAME");
	 $my_script_uri  = $request->server("SCRIPT_URI");

  } else { // phpBB3 < v3.1.0

	 $my_script_name = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
	 $my_script_uri  = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"];


  if ((substr($my_script_name, -11) != "posting.php") AND (substr($my_script_uri, -11) != "posting.php")) die("ACCESS DENIED");


  function newpost2mail($data) {

	 global $config, $mode, $user, $post_data, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $db;

	 $version = "beta 21";

	 // variables that can be used in newpost2mail.config.php to build an individial subject line

	 $post_SITENAME	 = $config['sitename'];
	 $post_FORUMNAME	= $data['forum_name'];
	 $post_MODE		  = $mode;
	 $post_TOPICTITLE  = $data['topic_title'];
	 $post_SUBJECT	  = $post_data['post_subject'];
	 $post_USERNAME	 = $user->data['username'];
	 $post_IP			 = $data['poster_ip'];
	 $post_HOST		  = @gethostbyaddr($post_IP);

	 // 3rd party edit?

	 if ( ($mode == "edit" ) AND ($post_data[username] != $user->data['username']) ) {
		$post_EDITOR	 = $user->data['username'];
		$post_USERNAME  = $post_data['username'];

	 // get forum parents

	 foreach (get_forum_parents($post_data) as $temp) {
		$post_FORUMPARENTS		 .= $temp["0"]. " / ";
		$post_FORUMPARENTS_laquo .= $temp["0"]. " &laquo; ";

	 // read configuration

	 include($phpbb_root_path . 'newpost2mail.config.php');

	 // check if the actual mode is set for sending mails

	 if ($n2m_MAIL_ON[$mode]) {

		// if there is a language set in newpost2mail.config.php then use that setting.
		// Otherwise read default language from board config and use that.

		$n2m_LANG ? $lang = $n2m_LANG : $lang = $config['default_lang'];

		// get (translated) phrases and convert them to UTF8

		foreach ($n2m_TEXT['en'] as $key=>$value) {
		  if ($n2m_TEXT[$lang][$key]) {
			 $phrase[$key] = utf8_encode($n2m_TEXT[$lang][$key]);
		  } else {
			 $phrase[$key] = utf8_encode($n2m_TEXT['en'][$key]);

		// set variables for later use

		$board_url		= generate_board_url();
		if (substr($board_url, -1) != "/") $board_url .= "/";

		$forum_url		 = $board_url . "viewforum.php?f=" . $data['forum_id'];
		$thread_url		 = $board_url . "viewtopic.php?f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $data['topic_id'];
		$post_url		 = $board_url . "viewtopic.php?f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $data['topic_id'] . "&p=" . $data['post_id'] . "#p" . $data['post_id'];
		$u_profile_url	 = $board_url . "memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=" . $post_data['poster_id'];
		$e_profile_url	 = $board_url . "memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=" . $post_data['post_edit_user'];
		$reply_url		 = $board_url . "posting.php?mode=reply&f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&t=" . $data['topic_id'];
		$edit_url		 = $board_url . "posting.php?mode=edit&f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&p=" . $data['post_id'];
		$quote_url		 = $board_url . "posting.php?mode=quote&f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&p=" . $data['post_id'];
		$delete_url		 = $board_url . "posting.php?mode=delete&f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&p=" . $data['post_id'];
		$info_url		 = $board_url . "mcp.php?i=main&mode=post_details&f=" . $data['forum_id'] . "&p=" . $data['post_id'];
		$pm_url			 = $board_url . "ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=quotepost&p=" . $data['post_id'];
		$email_url		 = $board_url . "memberlist.php?mode=email&u=" . $post_data['poster_id'];

		// build the email header

		include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx);

		$headers .= "Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O")."\n";
		$headers .= "From: \"".mail_encode(html_entity_decode($config[sitename]))."\" <$config[board_email]>\n";
		$headers .= "X-Mailer: newpost2mail $version for phpBB3\n";
		$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
		$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";

		// build the email body

		$message .= "<HTML>\n";
		$message .= "<HEAD>\n";
		$message .= "<base href='$board_url'>\n";
		$message .= "<META http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>\n";

		// insert style definitions from newpost2mail.css

		$message .= "<style type='text/css' media='screen'>\n";
		$message .= file_get_contents($phpbb_root_path."newpost2mail.css");
		$message .= "\n</style>\n";

		$message .= "</HEAD>\n";
		$message .= "<BODY>\n";

		// build the informational table

		$message .= "<table class='table_info'>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[user]</td><td>: <a href='$u_profile_url'><b>$post_USERNAME</b></a>";
		if ($post_EDITOR) $message .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;-&raquo; $phrase[edited_by] <a href='$e_profile_url'><b>$post_EDITOR</b></a>";
		if (($user->data['user_allow_viewemail']) or ($n2m_ALWAYS_SHOW_EMAIL)) $message .= " (<a href='mailto:". $user->data['user_email'] . "'>". $user->data['user_email'] ."</a>)";
		$message .= "</td>\n</tr>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[subject]</td><td>: <a href='$post_url'><b>$post_SUBJECT</b></a></td></tr>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[thread]</td><td>: <a href='$thread_url'>$post_TOPICTITLE</a></td></tr>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[forum]</td><td>: <a href='$forum_url'>$post_FORUMPARENTS_laquo$post_FORUMNAME</a></td></tr>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[mode]</td><td>: $mode</td></tr>\n";

		if ($post_HOST == $post_IP) $post_HOST = $phrase[host_na];
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[ip_hostname]</td><td>: $post_IP / $post_HOST</td></tr>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td>$phrase[actions]</td><td>: [<a href='$reply_url'>$phrase[reply]</a>] [<a href='$quote_url'>$phrase[quote]</a>] [<a href='$edit_url'>$phrase[edit]</a>] [<a href='$delete_url'>$phrase[delete]</a>] [<a href='$info_url'>$phrase[info]</a>] [<a href='$pm_url'>$phrase[pm]</a>] [<a href='$email_url'>$phrase[email]</a>]</td></tr>\n";
		$message .= "</table>\n";

		// build the post text table

		$message .= "<table class='table_post' width='$n2m_WIDTH'>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td><div class='content'>\n";

		// search for inline attachments to show them in the post text

		if (!empty($data[attachment_data])) parse_attachments($data['forum_id'], $data['message'], $data['attachment_data'], $dummy, true);

		// generate post text

		$message .= str_replace("<br />", "<br />\n", generate_text_for_display($data['message'], $data['bbcode_uid'], $data['bbcode_bitfield'], $post_data['forum_desc_options']))."\n";

		// show attachments if not already shown in the post text

		if (!empty($data[attachment_data])) {
		  $message .= "<br />\n<dl class='attachbox'><dt>$phrase[attachments]:</dt><dd>\n";
		  foreach ($data[attachment_data] as $filename) {
			 $message .= print_r($filename, 1);
		  $message .= "</dl>\n";

		// convert relative smily attachment to absolute url

		$message = str_replace("./download/file.php?id=", $board_url."download/file.php?id=", $message);

		// 3rd party edit

		if ($post_data['post_edit_reason']) {
		  $post_EDITOR ? $edited_by = $post_EDITOR : $edited_by = $post_USERNAME;
		  $message .= "<div class='notice'>-&raquo; $phrase[edited_by] $edited_by, $phrase[edit_reason]: <em>$post_data[post_edit_reason]</em></div>\n";

		// add signature

		if ($n2m_SHOW_SIG) {
		  if ($mode != "edit") {
			 if ( ($user->data['user_sig']) and ($data['enable_sig']) ) {
				$message .= "<div class='signature'>";
				$message .= generate_text_for_display($user->data['user_sig'], $user->data['user_sig_bbcode_uid'], $user->data['user_sig_bbcode_bitfield'], $post_data['forum_desc_options'])."\n";
				$message .= "</div>\n";
		  } else {
			 if ( ($post_data['user_sig']) and ($post_data['enable_sig']) and ($n2m_SHOW_SIG)) {
				$message .= "<div class='signature'>\n";
				$message .= generate_text_for_display($post_data['user_sig'], $post_data['user_sig_bbcode_uid'], $post_data['user_sig_bbcode_bitfield'], $post_data['forum_desc_options'])."\n";
				$message .= "</div>\n";

		// convert relative smily url to absolute url

		$message = str_replace("./$config[smilies_path]", "$board_url$config[smilies_path]", $message);

		$message .= "</div></td></tr></table>\n";

		// ask for donation and build an own table for that :)

		$paypal_USD = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=stefan%40hendricks%2donline%2ede&item_name=newpost2mail%20for%20phpBB3&no_shipping=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8&lc=$lang";
		$paypal_EUR = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=stefan%40hendricks%2donline%2ede&item_name=newpost2mail%20for%20phpBB3&no_shipping=1&tax=0&currency_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8&lc=$lang";

		$message .= "<table class='table_version' width='$n2m_WIDTH'>\n";
		$message .= "<tr><td align='center'>";

		if ($lang == "de") {
		  $message .= utf8_encode("Diese E-Mail wurde von <i>newpost2mail $version</i> für phpBB3 versendet.<br >Dokumentationen & Updates finden Sie unter <a href='http://henmedia.de'>http://henmedia.de</a>.<br /><br />");
		  $message .= utf8_encode("Wenn Sie diese Erweiterung nützlich finden, dann können Sie deren<br />Entwicklung mit einer <a href='$paypal_EUR'>PayPal-Spende</a> unterstützen - vielen Dank :-)\n");
		} else {
		  $message .= "This message was sent by <i>newpost2mail $version</i> for phpBB3.<br />Visit <a href='http://henmedia.de'>http://henmedia.de</a> for updates and documentation.<br /><br />";
		  $message .= "If you find this MOD useful, you can support this project using PayPal.<br>To make a donation click here: <a href='$paypal_USD'>donate USD</a> / <a href='$paypal_EUR'>donate EUR</a> - thank you :-)\n";

		$message .= "</td></tr></table>\n";

		// end donation

		$message .= "</BODY></HTML>\n";

		$message = wordwrap($message, 256);

		// encode subject

		$subject = mail_encode(html_entity_decode($n2m_SUBJECT));

		// fix for phpBB 3.05 !
		$subject = str_replace("\r", "", $subject);
		$subject = str_replace("\n", "", $subject);

		// send email to board contact address?

		if ($n2m_MAILTO_BOARDCONTACT) $n2m_MAILTO[] = $config['board_contact'];

		// send email to group?

		foreach ($n2m_MAILTO_GROUP as $group) {
		  $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', array('SELECT'  => 'u.user_email',
																	 'FROM'	 => array(USERS_TABLE => 'u', GROUPS_TABLE => 'g', USER_GROUP_TABLE => 'ug'),
																	 'WHERE'	=> 'ug.group_id = g.group_id AND ug.user_id = u.user_id AND u.user_email != \'\' AND lower(g.group_name) = \'' . strtolower($group) . '\''));
		  $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		  while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) $n2m_MAILTO[] = $row['user_email'];

		// add recipients by forum
		if (is_array($mft_MONITOR_FORUM[$data['forum_id']])) {
			$mft_MAILTO = array_merge($mft_MAILTO, $mft_MONITOR_FORUM[$data['forum_id']]);
		} else {
			return null;

		// convert all addresses to lowercase and delete any empty addresses

		foreach ($n2m_MAILTO as $key => $value) {
		  if (is_null($value) or ($value == "")) {
		  } else {
			 $n2m_MAILTO[$key] = strtolower($n2m_MAILTO[$key]);

		// insure that every address is only used once

		$n2m_MAILTO = array_unique($n2m_MAILTO);

		// Testversion, Mails an Author des Artikels verhindern
		// unset($n2m_MAILTO[array_search($user->data['user_email'], $n2m_MAILTO)]);

		// die($message); // for debugging purposes, mail will be shown in browser and not sent out if we uncomment this line

		// and finally send the mails

		foreach ($n2m_MAILTO as $mailto) {
		  if ($config['smtp_delivery']) { // SMTP?
			 $tempto[to][email] = $mailto;
			 $to[to] = $tempto;
			 $result = smtpmail($to, $subject, str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $message), $err_msg, $headers);
		  } else { // or PHP mail?
			 $result = $config['email_function_name']($mailto, $subject, $message, $headers);

There is still more PHP Notices unsolved!

$message, $headers, $post_FORUMPARENTS, $post_FORUMPARENTS_laquo, $post_EDITOR

That begins with ".=" and it's not previously defined.

Best Regards
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Name: Tim Riker

Re: [BETA] newpost2mail: Send new posts as email to admin

Post by TimRiker »

Just started testing this out on 3.1.5. Initial comments and suggestions:
  • ship files in utf-8
  • leave off the last ?> in the files
  • The translation for $n2m_TEXT[hr][delete] is incorrectly formatted. Not sure what was intended
  • use single quotes instead of double quotes if there are no variables. trivial speed/memory gain
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Name: Paul Sohier

Re: [BETA] newpost2mail: Send new posts as email to admin

Post by Paul »

This topic has been marked as [ABD] - Abandoned as the mod author has not been active recently. If the MOD author wishes to continue development, please PM anyone on the MOD Team to request this topic be unlocked.

We do not recommend that a user of the phpBB software install this MOD, or any other mod that is marked as “abandoned” or “in development”, on a live forum. Doing so may cause your forum to not perform in the manner it should.

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The phpBB Modifications Team

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