[Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by battye »

userkiller wrote:when there 2 file with the same name do you add both of them
Are the files in different directories?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by themarc »

Hi everyone,

I'm getting the idea of MODX and how this all works. I have installed mods in the past and it's thanks to support here that makes all the difference and why I continue to use phpbb. :D For many of us, you make some changes do an upgrade here and there, then come back months later to do something and go, "how did I do that again"?

A few very obvious questions to be prudent before adding a very involved mod for a photo galley by nickvergessen.

1. Can someone recommend a text editor for Mac that "they have used" with MODX successfully. I have researched many recommendations for Mac (textwragler, Smultron, Note Pad Deluxe etc.) but no one who has actually used one for a phpbb mod implementation.
Zero real-life, testimonials.

2. I'm using an intel Mac / Tiger OS X, it comes with TextEdit, will that work? Any things to be wary of?

3. Finally, once I've made changes in a text editor, I assume I will Save As changing to extension .php at the end of the file name and upload to the server. Correct?

Thank in advance as always, most appreciated.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by themarc »

Point 3. would be most helpful for now...

3. Finally, once I've made changes in a text editor, I assume I will Save As changing to extension .php at the end of the file name and upload to the server. Correct?

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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by Nick** »

Ok, I feel kind of stupid...
But what's the point of MODX?
I'm used to the old fashioned installing of mods...
How is this different? I don't get it... You still have to edit, do sql, copy files, etc.?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by igorw »

It's a format that's easier to parse using a machine. It also allows multi-language meta data. MODX also contains a packaging specification.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by g_tech9 »

I installed Buttons menu for prosilver the beta version and when i go into my acp and try to go into the .mods tab to change the button links and i get this error

Module file ./../includes/acp/acp_menu.php does not contain correct class [acp_menu]

any help would be great

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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by weedgur79 »

Can someone please explain what is meant here by OPERATION.

<find><![CDATA[<td colspan="<!-- IF U_SORT_ACTIVE -->{:%1}<!-- ELSE -->]]></find>
<action type="operation"><![CDATA[{:%1} + 1]]></action>
<find><![CDATA[<td colspan="<!-- IF U_SORT_ACTIVE -->{:%1}<!-- ELSE -->{:%2}<!-- ENDIF -->"> </td>]]></find>
<action type="operation"><![CDATA[{:%2} + 1]]></action>

I dont have the <td colspan="<!-- IF U_SORT_ACTIVE -->{:%1}<!-- ELSE --> line
but i do have a <td colspan="<!-- IF U_SORT_ACTIVE -->5<!-- ELSE -->4<!-- ENDIF --> line.

what am i supposed to do** make a line like this:
<td colspan="<!-- IF U_SORT_ACTIVE -->{:%1} + 1<!-- ELSE -->
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by new1978 »

:( Hi everybody!

I need help because i am new to phpbb and just installed one mod, but ia have a problem!

I done everything as the instructions but at the end, ask me to do this
Browse to install/index.php and run the installer

Clear your cache in the "Administration Control Panel" (ACP) > "General" > "Purge the cache"

Refresh your Styles:
"Administration Control Panel" (ACP) > "Styles" > "Templates" > each > "refresh"
The problem is that in my ACP there is no choise "Purge the cache" so, i can't accses my board! :(
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by battye »

new1978 wrote::( Hi everybody!

I need help because i am new to phpbb and just installed one mod, but ia have a problem!

I done everything as the instructions but at the end, ask me to do this
Browse to install/index.php and run the installer

Clear your cache in the "Administration Control Panel" (ACP) > "General" > "Purge the cache"

Refresh your Styles:
"Administration Control Panel" (ACP) > "Styles" > "Templates" > each > "refresh"
The problem is that in my ACP there is no choise "Purge the cache" so, i can't accses my board! :(
Are you set as a board founder? Only board founders can purge the cache :)
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by momentum »

And you can manually clear the board cache with FTP. Using your client navigate your way to the /cache directory and delete everything except the .htaccess and index.htm files. Those two files are there for security reasons.

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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by Sajaki »

themarc wrote:
1. Can someone recommend a text editor for Mac that "they have used" with MODX successfully. I have researched many recommendations for Mac (textwragler, Smultron, Note Pad Deluxe etc.) but no one who has actually used one for a phpbb mod implementation.
Zero real-life, testimonials.

2. I'm using an intel Mac / Tiger OS X, it comes with TextEdit, will that work? Any things to be wary of?

3. Finally, once I've made changes in a text editor, I assume I will Save As changing to extension .php at the end of the file name and upload to the server. Correct?

i think this list may be of use to you :http://www.startrekguide.com/community/ ... 39&t=10297

i use textwrangler for simple php edits, but Zend eclipse for coding work.
for ftp uploading to the server, i use Cyberduck. it's simple and good.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by 8ui8ui8ui8ui »

Hi,I need some help with my site.
My question is:How can I put to my site to all my members a miniprofile???? like in this image(arked with red)


When you click it will appear a thing like in this image: (And you can put in it:images or write about you or you're character etc...)


Pls help me.
And if you know how to put other things on other members profile like thoose things in the images tell me how to do them, pls.
Thanks for reading.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by LuffyPSP »

Does this apply only to the prosilver style only?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by tumba25 »

LuffyPSP wrote:Does this apply only to the prosilver style only?
Does what apply only to the prosilver style? MODX is the install file. Install files for styles should use the MODX format.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to install a MODX modification

Post by mrmax79 »

I have had ModX installed for a couple of months, but frankly I am confused.
First which mods are compatible with MODX? I have installed several mods manually no problem, but could I have saved steps by using ModX?

How do I identify which mod is compatible with ModX?

And then how do I use ModX to install that mod?

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