Hi everyone,
I'm getting the idea of MODX and how this all works. I have installed mods in the past and it's thanks to support here that makes all the difference and why I continue to use phpbb.

For many of us, you make some changes do an upgrade here and there, then come back months later to do something and go, "how did I do that again"?
A few very obvious questions to be prudent before adding a very involved mod for a photo galley by nickvergessen.
1. Can someone recommend a text editor for Mac that
"they have used" with MODX successfully. I have researched many recommendations for Mac (textwragler, Smultron, Note Pad Deluxe etc.)
but no one who has actually used one for a phpbb mod implementation.
Zero real-life, testimonials.
2. I'm using an intel Mac / Tiger OS X, it comes with
TextEdit, will that work? Any things to be wary of?
3. Finally, once I've made changes in a text editor, I assume I will
Save As changing to extension
.php at the end of the file name and upload to the server. Correct?
Thank in advance as always, most appreciated.