There was a missign "{"

But problems are endless !!!
Now, when the user click the activation link, he gets: invalid activation key
I attached a copy of my ucp-activate.php
I have noticed that, even with 1.4.0, no email has been sent if activated form inactivated users listMartin Truckenbrodt wrote: don't activate them from the Inactive Users list. Activate them from the User Verify page. Then a email will be sent. I think it's a phpBB3 bug. And I think it's fixed in ADAP 1.4.0.
Yes, you are right !!Martin Truckenbrodt wrote:
I looked at the notification email thing. I haven't changed the thing for the ACP main page. But if you are clicking on the username you will be directed directly to the user verify page. And there the email will be sent.
I am using 3.0.5Martin Truckenbrodt wrote: Are you running phpBB 3.0.5?
What other technics are you using to prevent spam accounts?
Code: Select all
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
user_active_flip('activate', $user_row['user_id']);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . "
SET user_actkey = '',
user_email_verified = 0
WHERE user_id = {$user_row['user_id']}";
Code: Select all
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
Code: Select all
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
Code: Select all
@define('DEBUG', true);
@define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);