As long as you have the correct table prefix it will work with any table prefix.free4trample wrote:My question is: will AutoGroups work with table prefix phpbb1_ instead of phpbb_
My idea is not related to global moderators. I have to mods groups. Moderators and GModerators. If I add an user to GMods everything is all right: forum permissions, mod permissions and user permissions. But in Moderators grup it should be something like that: If I add MOD permissions to any user in one or few forums, he is automaticly added to Moderators group. Why? Because he have to get more permissions, for example ignoring flood limit etc.A_Jelly_Doughnut wrote:I don't really understand you
Code: Select all
if ($user_id == ANONYMOUS)
// If there is no limit, skip it.
if ((int) $data['group_min_' . $column] == 0 && (int) $data['group_max_' . $column] == 0)
// If they are outside the thresholds ...
if (($data['group_min_' . $column] != 0 && $value < $data['group_min_' . $column]) ||
($data['group_max_' . $column] != 0 && $value > $data['group_max_' . $column]))
$remove_groups[$group_id][] = $user_id;
else if ((($data['group_min_' . $column] != 0 && $value >= $data['group_min_' . $column]) ||
($data['group_max_' . $column] != 0 && $value <= $data['group_max_' . $column])) &&
(!isset($remove_groups[$group_id]) || !in_array($user_id, $remove_groups[$group_id])))
$add_groups[$group_id][] = $user_id;