All 3.0.x styles released in our Styles Database can be found here. All discussion or support regarding an individual style should take place in that style's own area in the Customisations Database.
NOTICE: This forum is only for the announcement of releases and/or updates for styles. Any style support should be obtained through the Customisations Database in the support area designated for each style.
A direct link to support for each Style is in the first post of the respective topic.
kanuz wrote:
im looking for the 1100 smiles with the pack files included i saw it in google but when i came here it said that the thread didnt exist no more.
that pack was removed because it contained lots of smilies stolen from other web sites.
Ok, I cannot upload the file... Can somebody tell me the host adress, the url and the directory I must go? Because I tried accesing by and logged in, but it just shows a strange lists of thousands folders, and I cannot find those you mention (forums/images/smiles)
Has anyone else ever had trouble getting some of these smileys to function correctly? Here is what I have found:
When I click on the Sick smiley, the keystrokes are added to the post, but upon posting the smiley is not present, just the keystrokes.
I did see the applause problem, but got that corrected. It seemed what was listed in the .pak was not matching the gif filename or something like that, I cannot remember.
I also cannot get the sick smiley to work. I altered the code to :sick: just to get it to appear (it would only show as code before), but it still doesn't animate. Any ideas?
After the download of this file, I trie to extract it, but there is a problem, the file have been damaged, I have try 5 times to download it and extract again but they say me everytime that this file have been damaged... Is this problem on my computer or on this file?
I don't know if others might have the same problem, but I had to change the code of several of them to get em to work:
:-" --> :whistle:
:-& --> :sick:
RogueScribner wrote:
I also cannot get the sick smiley to work. I altered the code to :sick: just to get it to appear (it would only show as code before), but it still doesn't animate. Any ideas?
Sorry, that one's not animated. Interesting idea though...