Most things I know about computing I've learnt myself from just playing around and seeing what happened. It goes a long way in becoming quite independent. But I know we all get stuck on some little things.
Firstly, download, and unzip a smilie pack. Copy and paste EVERYTHING unzipped into the folder where the smilies are stored (I can’t remember, but I think it’d be something like ‘’ << Someone correct me please); this is the 'Storage Path'. But also, I’m assuming that your website folders are stored on your computer and you can add pictures and files through programs like FrontPage. Still, I don’t actually do it this way myself, so my knowledge is shaky in this area.
1. Log in to your forum
2. From the first page of the forum, go to the bottom to the 'Go to Admin Panel' (or something like that)
3. On the left hand menu, go to ‘Smilies’
4. Go to the very bottom of the page to ‘Import Smilie Pack’
5. The page says this, ‘You should unzip the smiley package and upload all files to the appropriate Smiley directory for your installation. Then select the correct information in this form to import the smiley pack.’ (See the ‘Firstly’ note above, if already done go to 6)
6. Choose the ‘.pak’ file. I think these are the instructions for the forum to understand which smilie to use. I chose to ‘Keep existing smilies’, and not check the ‘Delete Smilies’ Then click on import.
I think this is mostly complete, and there are bound to be problems in my instructions, so someone please correct me.
Also, can you do me a favour? Assuming these instructins are fine, if anyone else asks this question, can you direct them to this answer?