All 3.0.x styles released in our Styles Database can be found here. All discussion or support regarding an individual style should take place in that style's own area in the Customisations Database.
NOTICE: This forum is only for the announcement of releases and/or updates for styles. Any style support should be obtained through the Customisations Database in the support area designated for each style.
A direct link to support for each Style is in the first post of the respective topic.
do you want to add individual smilies? that's very simple
just upload them to your smilies folder in your template and then add them individually from your ACP
Never, ever, argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
hi i installed this pack by uploading eusa.pak file to /forum/images/smiles/
thn i installed it frm admin cp as required.
it was installed , and the smilies are added to the list. however it doesnt display the images.thr is a text inside the image box with a small cross on left images
what do i need to do? and how can i uninstall it if it finallydoesnt work
babydoll2u wrote:some of these are very similar to ones I've picked up from various sites, and some are similar to Yahoo's smilies, all of which I have as well.
Where did you get the Yahoo smilies? I was looking fos such a pack, but... none.