You want a latest 10 active topics, NOT POSTS.
Let's get this straight:
You must understand the difference between posts and forums. If you would have last 10 posts, that means you would get the latest 10 things that people wrote, EVEN IF THEY ARE IN THE SAME TOPIC. For example, you have a topic called "topic 1". If people reply to that, let's say "REPLY1: topic 1" all the way to "REPLY10: topic 1", your last 10 posts would be the actual replies, all pointing to the same topic.
If you want the latest 10 active TOPICS, i.e. topic1, topic2... topic 10, no matter how many replies those topics get, the topic with the newst reply will be on the top.
In order for me to help you, i need a few answers from you:
So i think you want the "x" latest active topics FOR EACH FORUM that you have, correct?
Or do you want the latest "x" active topics for ALL forums combined?
Are there any "hidden" forums you do not want info shown from?
You also want the top "x" number of MOST ACTIVE topics.
So i'm guessing you would want the topics with the most replies, correct?
Relative to the page you want the information on, where is the forum located?
Ex: If your page is in
and foum is in
the relative path would be "forum/"
What format you want the topics to show in? For example, if you are planning on repeating a little table for each recent topic, i would need that table to have something to work with.
<td colspan=2>title</td>
<td>By: user</td>
<td>On: date</td>
(this would make a table for each topic)
Or, if you want to repeat just the rows/columns inside 1 table (<table><?php code ?></table>):
<td colspan=2>title</td>
<td>By: user</td>
<td>On: date</td>
Or if you use <div>s, give me a sample of how you want those.
I looked at your page, but im sorry, i dont really understand much... im guessing that is in hungarian or something