sopas wrote:How can I do so when I click on to see the enlarged image I can scroll up and down in the pop up window? There are no scroll bars in the pop up window?
I've used JavaScript to open the new window because the "target" attribute has been removed from the XHTML Strict language (the attribute is still present in the Transitional version), and I've just updated the JavaScript to allow scrollbars within the window, so copy this line in place of the previous one that output the JavaScript:
Code: Select all
if ($resize){ $return .= "<a href=\"javascript::\" onclick=\"'$url','_blank','Image', 'width=$window_width, height=$window_height, scrollbars=yes, location=no, directories=no, menubar=no, status=no, toolbar=no, top=10, left=10')\">"; }
sopas wrote:Is is possible to just open to enlarged picture on a new browser instead that on a pop up window?
I assume you mean a new browser window. I haven't come across a way of opening something in a new browser window that doesn't require JavaScript for the reasons above, so if you really want to open the link in a new window, edit the same line referenced above to:
Code: Select all
if ($resize){ $return .= "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\">"; }
But note: this will cause your forum's XHTML to become
invalid if you use the Strict DTD (which I think phpBB3 does by default).