Thanks tupeu
For the text
Open language/en/common.php
Code: Select all
'MOOD_M1' => 'Serene',
'MOOD_M2' => 'Happy',
'MOOD_M3' => 'Sad',
'MOOD_M4' => 'Despair',
'MOOD_M5' => 'Angry',
'MOOD_M6' => 'Infuriating',
In line find:
Replace with mood you want. You make the same to change other moods (Happy, Sad, Despair, Angry and Infuriating).
Code: Select all
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M1' => 'Mood: Serene',
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M2' => 'Mood: Happy',
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M3' => 'Mood: Sad',
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M4' => 'Mood: Despair',
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M5' => 'Mood: Angry',
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M6' => 'Mood: Infuriating',
In line find:
Replace with mood you want. You make the same to change other moods (Happy, Sad, Despair, Angry and Infuriating).
Remember to name the moods in the same manner and order for the two files. E.g. if in common.php there’s:
In style.php it will have to be:
Code: Select all
'IMG_ICON_MOOD_M1' => 'Mood: Grinning',
For the images:
Open style/your theme/imageset/ and replace mood icons with ur icons remembering to name them with the same names and extension (icon_mood_m1, icon_mood_m2 etc.).
If u have any problem let me know.