[RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

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[RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Goztow »

Mod name: Multiple ranks
Mod description: allows you to add up to 3 special ranks for each member individually. These ranks are not linked to a usergroup. You can find the "multiple ranks linked to an usergroup here (this is not my mod, more info about it in its own topic)
PHPbb version: 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.0.4, 3.0.5, 3.0.6, 3.0.7, 3.0.8, 3.0.9, 3.0.10, 3.0.11, 3.0.12
Mod version: 1.03 (thanks to Oyabun1 for the upgrade from 1.01 to 1.03)
Oyabun1 wrote:To save Goztow some time in responding to questions about the prosilver edits, why the MOD won't install with AutoMO, or about showing the extra ranks on the memberlist, I've made some updates, alterations and additions to the install files:
  • changed several parts in the MODX - now the MOD will install correctly using AutoMOD
  • added display of multiple ranks to the memberlist (memberlist_body.htm)
  • added the prosilver edits to the MODX file
  • used Arty's code change for acp_users.html (fixes a layout issue)
  • converted some hard-coded strings into language variables and added them to the new language file
  • added a UMIF (Unified MOD Install File) to do the database changes
  • updated MOD version to 1.0.2
  • updated MODX and stylesheet to 1.2.5
  • maybe some other changes I don't remember
The UMIF wasn't really necessary, but for people unfamiliar with running SQL queries it makes installing and uninstalling easier. (When uninstalling the MOD, to removed the database changes, you just run the multiple_ranks_install.php again.)

Tested with phpBB 3.0.10 and 3.0.11-RC1 and it seems to install and work fine.

As far as I can see, the MOD should now be able to pass MOD validation here.

New version. Fixed a few bugs in the previous version; made some code changes - thanks to javiexin; separated the subsilver2 edits.

There are no upgrade instructions from 1.0.0 or 1.0.3, so just uninstall the previous one and install this one (the multiple_ranks_install.php will do an update from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 so there is no need to uninstall the database changes.)

It remains GPL2 so feel free the grab it, use it, modify it, or better yet - host it.

1.0.3 MOD download
1.0.1 MOD download here (in cas you prefer the original :) )

## 24-05-2008 - version 0.91
## - Added multiple ranks to the profile view page
## 19-05-2008 - Version 0.9
## - First release for alpha testing
## 14-10-2008 - Version 1.0.0
## - RC1
## 30-12-2008 - Version 1.01
## - mirror a change introduced in phpbb3.0.3 (or 4)
## 16-07-2012 - Version 1.03
## - see the above changelist by Oyabun1




Suggestions and bug tracking are welcome.


* Multiple ranks - big ranks on hovering plugin
this is a plugin for my multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01 mod. It shows a big version of the rank when hovering over the rank for a certain amount of time (can be set).

Oyabun1 wrote:I've created and add-on to the Multiple Ranks 1.0.3 MOD to show the additional ranks on the team page. I didn't test it much, but it seems to work. (Includes edits for prosilver and subsilver2)

Download: multiple_ranks_team_addon.zip

The add-on adds all the multiple ranks. To only show rank2 the easiest way woud be to just remove references to the other ranks from /styles/[i]style name[/i]/template/memberlist_leaders.html

* Board3 Portal add-on

FAQ / solutions

* if you have ranks set up by user post count, you must set the 1st field to 'no assigned', then special groups must go in spots 2 and 3.

* Known bug: we got a report that this mod may break the group rank. It would be nice if more people could test and confirm this.

* We also got a report that this mod is incompatible with the arcade mod.

* What if I want more than 3 ranks? Well, it's fairly easy: just copy-paste the sections that mention ranks 2 and 3 and renumber them to as many as you want to add. This may not be easy if coding is absolute chaos to you ;). But a lot of people already successfully did it.

If you add a lot of ranks, you could get this reported problem:
It was reported this problem only shows up in firefox, not in iexplorer. A solution to this problem was posted here

* If you have an error in acp_users.php , then make sure th comma (,) is in the right place (not on a new line)! Here's what it should look like :).

Code: Select all

                        'S_RANK'            => true,
                        'S_RANK_OPTIONS'    => $s_rank_options,
                        //multiple ranks mod by Goz
                        'S_RANK2'            => true,
                        'S_RANK2_OPTIONS'    => $s_rank2_options,
                        'S_RANK3'            => true,
                        'S_RANK3_OPTIONS'    => $s_rank3_options
* Will there be a full, official release of this mod? Probably not but Oyabun1 just made it a lot easier, so we'll see.

* What if I have custom themes? You need to do the template changes (viewtopic_body) on every theme you use. For some themes, you might need some code changes, for others you can just copy-paste the changes that are in the prosilver or subsilver2 theme.
Last edited by Goztow on Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:49 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by blkjack-21 »

Hello Goztow,

Added this to my "test forum" and works just like a charm!

Not sure if it is a bug...but if the first rank (not posting rank) does not have an image, the second rank will not display.

Ohhh and PM me about the Modx package. ;)
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by Goztow »

Which template do you use? I tested this on subsilver2 and it worked perfectly fine. i suppose it's a problem with prosilver?

Could you post your viewtopic_body.html code?

I did understand right that if you leave the first rank open, it doesn't show the 2nd rank, right? Does it display the 3rd one, though?

Edit: just tested on prosilver and it works fine there for me. Unless I misunderstood your bug ofcourse.
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by blkjack-21 »

I have it installed on subsilver2. LOL :lol:

Disregard my previous post. I misplaced an endif and it works fine.
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by Goztow »

Great to hear that :). The 1st RC will be released soon.
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by blkjack-21 »

Is it possible to include these multiple ranks when viewing a member's profile?

In the section "Board presence", just below the posting rank?
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by elwey »

installed the mod everything went well but no ranks show

i go manage user/get a user/and go to rank....only the 1 rank choice is offer,,
?? any clue??
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups)

Post by Goztow »

@blkjackk: ok, no problems, will look into it.

@pendeja: I't's a bit hard to say with that little info. Are you sure you installed all the code changes correctly? Did you then purge the cache and refresh templates?

On first thought, I'd say you made a mistake in adm/style/acp_users.html if the new rank drop boxes aren't even shown.

Can you post your adm/style/acp_users.html code?

Edit: updated first post to version 0.91 --> added multiple ranks to profile. I did not add them to the info shown at the memberslist or leaderslist as I can't think of an elegant solution which won't make it look bad.
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by blkjack-21 »

Upgraded to 0.9.1 on "test" forum and Profile view pages show the ranks in the same fashion.

Goztow wrote:...Edit: updated first post to version 0.91 --> added multiple ranks to profile. I did not add them to the info shown at the memberslist or leaderslist as I can't think of an elegant solution which won't make it look bad.
I agree that at least for this mod...view topic and view profile are sufficient.
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Re: [alpha]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by Goztow »

The link has now been updated to link to a Modx package of this mod. No other changes have been made.

Thanks to Blkjack for the modx package ;).
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Re: [beta]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by elwey »

---edited out----
[we wasted a lot of "paper" beating around the bush with my problem so lets clean that topic a bit]

---delete this post---
Last edited by elwey on Wed May 28, 2008 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [beta]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by Goztow »

If it is the exact same way as before the changes, then you didn't overwrite the file, I think. It should at least show "User rank2:" and "user rank3:" as that's just text that is in the template.

You wouldn't happen to have a different template for the admin? It's a long shot, but you never know. Can you ensure that the file that's used has been updated correctly? I'm just trying...

You can try changing

Code: Select all

<dd><select name="user_rank2" id="user_rank2">{S_RANK2_OPTIONS}</select></dd> 

Code: Select all

<dd><select name="user_rank2" id="user_rank2">test</select></dd> 
it should then show "test" in the drop box for the 2nd medal.

You could take out the enters that you added, though that should influence anything in theory.
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Re: [beta]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by elwey »

that is the weirdest thing...

ok i thought of opening the "adm/style/acp_users.html" straign in the browser and Not from the ACP...

and guest what it's there the 3 ranks show very well (without the css obivously but it's there)...so it makes me think....don't we need a "acp_users_rank.html" or sth??


either mod compatibility or sql...what is the most likely!?
Last edited by elwey on Wed May 28, 2008 4:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [beta]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by Goztow »

Heh, I think you may need to empty your temporary files of iexplorer or firefox.

You can try this: go in the ACP to the ranks bit of a user. Then right click where it shows the rank and click on 'refresh'. It will then refresh that page. That should fix it.

ACP_RANKS.HTML is for adding new ranks, it's not related to this aspect of the acp.

You will only see new ranks on your forum once you managed to add them via the acp.
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Re: [beta]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 0.91

Post by elwey »

i was editing when you responded....

i ve been flushing the cache, and refreshed my templates a million times even restarted my server...nothing seems to work and check my picture in the previous post maybe that could help finding the problem or at least proving that the mod as been installed properly?? no??

thanks again

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