[RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by FoulFoot »

The ranks already display in the necessary locations (viewtopic). The problem is that when a member is added to a group, his group rank is not added to the "list" of ranks (only the default / primary rank). So the mod-mod would need to deal with that.

Though as you say, outside the scope of the mod you created. :) Just hoping to inspire you to add the feature.

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Ibrin »

Oyabun1 wrote:Group ranks are outside the scope of this MOD (the name should be a clue to that) and it depends on where you want the group ranks to show. This code, Re: Display Group under Username, should work for the memberlist. However, any questions or comments related to that code should be made in that topic.
I do understand that what I'm asking is outside the scope of this mod. As you said, the name itself is more than a clue.

However... This mod works very well (even given its limited scope), and it appears to be the only rank mod (of any type) currently supported and/or having active discussion. I was hoping that someone here could help my phpBB install in its current need. Given that this appears to be the only active mod/discussion regarding rank behavior, I was simply "hoping beyond hope".

Thanks for the lead. Hopefully my admins can make something of it.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Goztow »

Could you tell me which mod was supposed to do this and didn't work? Maybe the easiest is to fix a broken mod, rather than start from zip.

Not making any promises, btw.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by FoulFoot »

I believe it's here: viewtopic.php?f=70&t=742015

I can't confirm whether it works or not -- I never installed it because it only displays rank images, and I use text ranks.

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Jessica »

FoulFoot wrote:I believe it's here: viewtopic.php?f=70&t=742015

I can't confirm whether it works or not -- I never installed it because it only displays rank images, and I use text ranks.

I use it and it works for me (I use rank images though)
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Elysea »

I didn't read all of this topic but I just installed it on Board v. 3.0.11 without any hassle at all.
http://www.graphic-labs.com/temp_1/ (test and template forum for our live forum)
After that I installed it on v.3.0.10 and it went just as smooth
It is possible to use only text ranks, just don't add any images to the ranks
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by FoulFoot »

You installed this mod here, or the abandoned mod mentioned above? This mod works fine with text ranks, yes. The mod that links to usergroups does not, IIRC.

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Elysea »

This is the mod I installed.
But I have a question, can the ranks in the mod be used only as pictures and without the text?
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

Not with the standard phpBB nor with the MOD. To do that you would need change the code in the templates, for example in /styles/prosilver/template/viewtopic_body.html you could try replacing

Code: Select all

			<!-- IF postrow.RANK2_TITLE or postrow.RANK2_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK2_TITLE}<!-- IF postrow.RANK2_TITLE and postrow.RANK2_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK2_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF postrow.RANK3_TITLE or postrow.RANK3_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK3_TITLE}<!-- IF postrow.RANK3_TITLE and postrow.RANK3_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK3_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

Code: Select all

			<!-- IF postrow.RANK2_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK2_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF postrow.RANK3_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK3_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

If you want the standard code to be the same you would need to make similar edits to the line above those.

For the other templates you would need to make similar edits removing references to *RANK*_TITLE
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by jagaholic »

* What if I want more than 3 ranks? Well, it's fairly easy: just copy-paste the sections that mention ranks 2 and 3 and renumber them to as many as you want to add. This may not be easy if coding is absolute chaos to you ;). But a lot of people already successfully did it.
I have install this mod on phpbb 3.0.11, and it is what I have been looking for! I see there is a way to add more then 3. I am confused on what files need editing to add more. Does I just need to uninstall it and edit the multiple_ranks_install.php arrays then reinstall it via automod?
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

No, that will only add additional columns to the user table in the database. You also need to make changes to these files:
  1. memberlist.php,
  2. viewtopic.php,
  3. adm/style/acp_users.html,
  4. includes/acp/acp_users.php,
  5. styles/prosilver/template/memberlist_body.html,
  6. styles/prosilver/template/memberlist_view.html,
  7. styles/prosilver/template/viewtopic_body.html,
The way to do it with AutoMOD would be to uninstall the MOD, make all the additional edits to install_multiple_ranks.xml and multiple_ranks_install.php and then reinstall it. However, it's probably easier just to make the additional edits directly to the files, particularly if you are unfamiliar with working with MODX XML files. However, adding the extra elements to the multiple_ranks_install.php file may be the easiest way to make the database changes if you are unfamiliar with running SQL queries.

(Make sure you backup any files and the database before you start to make changes because it makes it easier to recover if something goes wrong and it is easy to make mistake.)
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Deepdarkspirit »

I have one issue, all other ranks appear after some minor editing in viewtopic_body.html If you notice in the image the ranks are a little bit messed up on users with multiple ranks I would much rather have them listed below each other so it would be like
any help would be greatly appreciated

Example Image
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

It looks like you didn't make the change to common.css for whichever style you are using.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Fr3eMan »


how I can put two rank in the same line?

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Throckmorton »

How hard would it be to modify this mod to allow 5 ranks?

I am porting an old phpNuke site to phpbb3 and it used 5 ranks. It would be great to just import the ranks directly.

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