[RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

"How hard"? Dead easy if you know what you are doing, considerably harder if you don't, so it's hard to say. How to do it has been covered, in broad terms, several times in this topic.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Goztow »

Check the FAQ in the first post as well.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Throckmorton »


I see that it is actually covered just a few posts above my own on the previous page. I should have searched better before asking but 53 pages (at the time) seemed like a bit much.

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Goztow »

Yes, sorry, it is quite a popular modification, I'm happy it has been so useful ;).

A word of "publicity": I just released a new modification here: country flags on posts based on the user IP.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

A new version phpBB: 3.0.12 should be out in a few days. I've tested the AutoMOD version of this MOD - 1.0.3 with that (or at least with 3.0.12-RC3 and there won't be any code changes to that) and it installed fine. Have updated the install file to show the new version number. (No changes are necessary to existing installations.)
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Fr3eMan »

Hi all,

question, I installed this mod in 3.0.12 and working fine, but int he memberlist the second and third rank appear before the username.
Is possible modify and let's show with the first rank ore remove it form memberlist?
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Goztow »

Check the FAQ in the first post please.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

Fr3eMan wrote:Is possible modify and let's show with the first rank ... ?
If you use 1.0.3 there are style changes for prosilver that already do that.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Fr3eMan »

Goztow wrote:Check the FAQ in the first post please.
I check but I can't recognize solution
Oyabun1 wrote:
Fr3eMan wrote:Is possible modify and let's show with the first rank ... ?
If you use 1.0.3 there are style changes for prosilver that already do that.
I apply prosilver style and working fine, but I'm trying to use with two different custom style of rockettheme, cerulean and metropolis


this two style use the original memberlist_body of prosilver.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

You won't find much support here for commercial styles, particularly RocketTheme styles. As a guess you probably haven't made appropriate edits to the stylesheet.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Fr3eMan »

Ok I will check step by step all the edited file.

Thanks for the moment.


Problem solved, was miss part of the code, thank you guys for help!! :)
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by kevinviet »

Thank you, I got it 9 ranks working :D
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by «THÖMÅS®©» »

Any chance of having this slightly modified to allow for one with text entry on the one directly below the main rank image? like in my thread I created? With a tweak or 2, this will work the charm as it is effectively what I have on my Nuke board before I wanted to upgrade to phpBB3...

Here is the thread that should explain this a bit more.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

«THÖMÅS®©» wrote:Here is the thread that should explain this a bit more.
No idea what the point of providing a link to a post that explains nothing was, but if you are talking about showing text ranks this MOD already does that in a similar way to standard phpBB. When you create the special rank you don't assign a rank image then only the rank title will be shown.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by «THÖMÅS®©» »

Oyabun1 wrote:
«THÖMÅS®©» wrote:Here is the thread that should explain this a bit more.
No idea what the point of providing a link to a post that explains nothing was, but if you are talking about showing text ranks this MOD already does that in a similar way to standard phpBB. When you create the special rank you don't assign a rank image then only the rank title will be shown.
No Oyabun1, I am actually asking for a text input area that can be completely CUSTOMISED. No rank will be assigned, just a text box within the settings that I can input custom text in to. For example, I would have to create several million ranks to accommodate the many various different custom ranks I might have to use in the future, but with a custom text input box that is shown below the main rank image in bold letters with the added ability to take HTML code, it will be much simpler and far more accommodating. I don't how much simpler I can put it to you.
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