The way it is being displayed is not how I would like it. I said how I wanted it in one of my screenshots on the thread I linked to in the previous page, though it is a step in the right direction.
The text "Custom Title" is unwanted, I would like the text input to be displayed on its own and the ability to add ranks which I will add the multi-ranks mod for tonight.
Here I am showing you what I am after, but not sure how, can I add some code to "viewtopic.php" or "viewtopic_body.html" to achieve a result like this?
Oyabun1, please be less cryptic with your answers, and state in plain English how or what I need to do to get the results in the screenshots I have posted.
Here is what it looks like at the moment:
I would like the text to be bold, under the rank image and any character with the ability to use HTML such as colors and without the "profile field" name in it to the left in black. This is likely to be the only custom text field I will want so please tell me how to do it...
I look forward to your response.
As you can see from the image below, I have made progress... How do I make the text bigger and HTML compliant so I can use HTML...?
Even more progress: